Heaven, Ltd.

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Heaven, Ltd.
Founded Unknown
Era 3 (first angelics in the Mazes)
E5-1 (rebranding as Heaven, Ltd.)
Headquarters Cloud Ten
Activities Promoting Angelic faith and values
Fighting demonics
Leaders The Unnamed Angelic God (de jure)
The Elder Council (de facto)

Heaven, Ltd. (pronounced Heaven, Limited, also simply referred to as Heaven or more generally the angelic faction) is a major faction in the Mazes and one of the major religious organizations in the Mazes.
In the Angelic language, "Heaven" is pronounced eliziom and is sometimes rendered "elysium". The Angelic language script for "Heaven" is shown on the company logo, above the name of the faction in Common.


Monochrome company logo of Heaven, Ltd.

Heaven, Ltd. describes itself as a "faith company" and follows a strict bureaucratic hierarchy with defined ranks, with the lowest rank being E and the highest rank being A.

Officially, Heaven's "true" leader is a figure only known as The Unnamed Angelic God (often shortened to TUAG, pronounced twag). Who or what TUAG exactly is or does is completely unknown, but according to the Elder Council (described below), TUAG is "indubitably the highest of us all". A very rare gravure depicting a black star surrounded by circles made of constantly shifting and staring eyes, bathed in white rays is said to be the most accurate depiction of TUAG.

Practically, Heaven is governed and managed by the Elder Council, a board of seven elder archangels serving as the directors of the company. The members of the Elder Council are:

  • Elder Archangel Michael, Envoy of Bravery (council leader, arguably in charge of the entire faction)
  • Elder Archangel Gabriel, Envoy of Justice
  • Elder Archangel Samael, Envoy of Perseverance
  • Elder Archangel Raphael, Envoy of Mercy
  • Elder Archangel Sachiel, Envoy of Determination
  • Elder Archangel Anael, Envoy of Integrity
  • Elder Archangel Cassiel, Envoy of Honesty

Under the Elder Council's command is the bulk of Heaven's hierarchy:


Heaven's stated mission is the promotion of the Seven Virtues, the basic tenets of Angelic faith:

  • Chastity and sexual restraint
  • Temperance and moderation
  • Charity and generosity
  • Diligence and hard work
  • Patience and calmness
  • Kindness and altruism
  • Humility and modesty

In practice, all angelic creatures have the same basic objectives: to provide company, guidance, and protection to sapients in need. More than being mere combat companions, Angelics operate on the principle that by being in contact and serving as protectors, they can teach Heaven's values to those they protect, in turn increasing their influence over sapients. Their other major objective is to oppose demonic influence and fight demonic creatures at every opportunity. They frequently roam through the Mazes in search of people to protect, as every person they defend (and every Demonic creature they defeat) increases their Angelic Energy, which allows them to perform their various Angelic powers.

The angelic place of worship is the shrine. One can be found in each of the seven towns under the faction's control.

Although they do not necessarily view themselves as the representation of good, Heaven does consider that the values they preach are the most virtuous and orderly. Heaven believes that if the world can be made to follow angelic faith, its peoples would be united and strong through restraint, moderation, cooperation, and resistance to vices and temptations, leading them to build greatness.


See also: History of the Mazes

Medieval eras

An early form of Heaven existed during the medieval times. The unnamed angelic organization at the time was providing military and religious support to the White Kingdom of Era 3. After their victory over the Black Kingdom and their transition into the Silverlight Kingdom, the angelics continued to assist, though in a much more reserved way, focused on the spreading and teaching of angelic faith.

The angelics departed briefly from the world right before the plague that ended most of humanity at the end of Era 4.

Return and rebranding

On E5-1, the angelics rebranded themselves as Heaven, Ltd. and re-established a presence in the Mazes, with the foundation of their first town, Cloud Ten. They were shortly followed by their old rivals in E5-2, when Hell also returned to the Mazes with the foundation of Gehen, all but guaranteeing that the rivalries of old would return as well.

Throughout Eras 5, 6, and the first half of Era 7, Heaven remained uninvolved with warfare or armed conflicts, keeping themselves out of the game of alliances and rivalries between other factions and only protecting their towns and assets whenever necessary, focusing instead on fully developing what they refer to as the "faith business"; spreading the Seven Virtues, sending angelics and shrine maidens on missions to educate, teach, provide moral and psychological assistance, and generally serve as a moral and social cornerstone instead of a more territory- and military-oriented faction.

The Almost Divine War

In E7-360, Heaven announced the Faith-Driven Expansion Plan, forming four settling parties between E7-360 and E7-363 and founding the towns of Caminus, Alba Radium, Divus Nitor, and Beatus, increasing the number of towns under angelic control from 3 to 7. Hell's response was the Demonic Super-Special Enlargement Operation, resulting in the foundation of five new Demonic towns.

As both factions began expanding their reach and influence, the number of angelic and demonic entities in the Mazes also sharply rose. Inevitably, tensions between the two factions also increased. One of Hell's new towns, Abakash, had been settled uncomfortably close to the older angelic town of Ventis. A new UA route between both towns had been established, and quickly became the new flashpoint of the angelic-demonic rivalry. The situation eventually reached a breaking point in E7-368, when a group of Angelic creatures met a group of Demonic creatures on the Ventis-Abakash road. Both parties refused to let the other pass, the encounter devolving rapidly into a shouting match, and finally into a fight.

Over the hours that followed, each side continued to send reinforcements to the UA room where the fight was taking place, with new forces replacing the eliminated on each side. The battle is virtually constrained to one room, with a few unsuccessful attempts by both sides to gain ground towards the rival town's direction. After 13 hours of sustained conflict and 298 casualties (through a sheer display of coincidence, the casualties are evenly split; 149 angelics and 149 demonics), both sides agreed to let representatives meet with each other to discuss ending the conflict. Ventis sent a shrine maiden while Abakash sent a dark maiden; the two met, briefly discussing terms and conditions on how to end this senseless waste of personnel for both sides.

After 3 hours of unsuccessful debating, the rival representatives agreed to play a round of rock-paper-scissors to determine which side would meet the other's demands. 45 minutes and 1047 rounds of perfect ties later, the two representatives grew fatigued of further debating, finally agreeing on the terms of a truce; both sides shall present official apologies for the other, both sides shall confirm that war has not been declared and that this incident shall remain isolated, and both sides shall use other roads than the Ventis-Abakash for a little while because it all got quite ridiculous.

Although the casualties declared are, by Maze standards, enormous, officially this incident was not a war and did not spark further violent conflict. However, it is widely believed that both sides have grown emboldened to engage in combat with one another in various parts of the UA, so long as the fights remained small, short, and sporadic. Nevertheless, the rivalry had finally and officially been reignited, and more active measures to influence and sway the populations of the world were now underway on both sides.


With the only significant angelic-demonic conflict having happened over 400 years ago, few people believe that Heaven and Hell will openly declare war on each other anytime soon, seemingly more concerned with their public image, their influence, and their respective control of the "faith market" in the Mazes. Some, however, believe that a divine war is coming, the result of which may forever change the face of the Mazes. Only time will tell if these predictions will come true.

Angelic language and naming

The Angelic language is known and taught only to members of Heaven, Ltd. and does not resemble any of the other languages in the Mazes. It is described as fast, airy, and melodic, with a heavy reliance on vowels and soft consonants. Although Angelic is believed to be atonal, speakers extend vowels or vary pitch (singsong-ing) to add emphasis and emotion, making it seem like Angelic speakers having a conversation are singing to one another more than what Common speakers would consider talking. If Angelic were to be compared to real-world languages, it would be described as somewhat close to Italian, Greek, Latin, and Finnish.

The naming system for Angelic beings is systematic and mostly reflects these traits.

Creatures in the cherub-angel-guardian angel-seraph-archangel hierarchy and shrine maidens follow the classical Angelic naming convention. They are single-word names that generally follow a simple structure: a root word and a suffix in -iel, -el, -al, -ael, or -zel. Shrine maidens are allowed to adopt Common names for PR purposes, although they are only used for work with the public.

Pterolykoi, feathered serpents, and colossi follow a similar structure but with different suffixes to denote their status as constructs or animal-like beings: a root word and a suffix in -kos, -tos, -los, -ka, -la, -ia, or -teos.

The root words vaguely resemble nouns or adjectives in Italian, Latin, Greek, or Finnish. GMs may use this technique to come up with new Angelic names. Random examples:

  • Gliel (glykos, sweet in Greek + -iel)
  • Kertiel (kertoa, to tell in Finnish + -iel)
  • Rugiael (rugiada, dew in Italian + -ael)

See also

