Draft: List of Named MAIM Personnel

Revision as of 04:58, 17 September 2023 by GenericArchangel (Talk | contribs)

This is a list of named personnel within the Mercenary Agency In the Mazes (MAIM). While far from exhaustive, these characters are available for hire, with their skills and equipment listed below.


Mary Sue
Unknown creature.png
Species Human icon.png
Gender Gender
Born E7-69420, Month Day
Died Alive (your mom years old)
Dimensions 6'9", 420 lbs
Physical traits Light skin
Black hair
Brown eyes
Thin build


Insert basic character history here. Or don't, I'm not a cop.


This is where I'd link you to TVTropes on the subject of Mary Sues if I gave a damn.

Equipment and skills

Clothing and armor

Human/Halfling clothing and armor:

  • Headgear: Silly hat
  • Top: Hawaiian shirt
  • Bottom: Short shorts
  • Footwear: Leather shoes

Load-bearing equipment

Equipment and inventory

Equipped weapons:


Stats and skills

This character is a human. If a stat or skill is unlisted, assume the default for this character's species.

Skills: Species' natural skills + the following:

  • Combat skills: Skilled (Semi-auto pistol, Automatic pistol), Basic (All other combat skills)

Bristle - Sophie Doyle

Sophie Doyle
Unknown creature.png
Species Human icon.png
Gender Female
Born E7-687, Triema 26
Died Alive (18 years old)
Dimensions 5'5", 112 lbs
Physical traits Olive skin
Black hair
Green eyes
Thin build

Sophie Doyle (callsign Bristle, MAIM ID #43) is the youngest and newest of the MAIM mercenaries.


Sophie Doyle was born in 687 in Gimrun to a pair of human parents of average income. Little is known about her early life given how unremarkable it was, and how reluctant she has been to share details with her current employers. It is known that her callsign is a nickname that has followed her throughout a significant portion of her life, supposedly because the color and texture of her hair is similar to the bristles on a broom. At a relatively young age, she was selected for education and training in domestic service, becoming a maid at Gimrun's Paladin Keep hotel.

While the circumstances surrounding the end of her employment there are unknown, it is known that she is no longer welcome at the Keep, and she has expressed an intense desire to never return. With her training being of little use outside of the hospitality industry, Sophie decided to pursue a new career as a mercenary, despite having never used a firearm in her life- indeed, she had never been in the UA until she made a trip to Ovis City to meet with MAIM's directors, who hesitantly signed her on. She is noteworthy for two things: her extreme inexperience in life, and the absurdly low prices of her contracts- the second being a result of the first.


Bristle is a naive, optimistic young woman, full of youthful energy that has yet to be blunted by the harsh realities of life as a mercenary. She approaches her new job with sincere eagerness and fierce determination, matched only by her perplexing refusal to handle a firearm, a hesitation that MAIM believes she will outgrow is she survives long enough. Her lack of experience means that she has a poor understanding of risk in the field, but her time as a maid has made her professional and exceptionally well-mannered for a mercenary. Above all, she shows fierce loyalty to whoever signs her paychecks, provided they show no love for the Guild of Silver Larceners.

Bristle is notably inexperienced in matters of sex and romance, having been confused when asked questions about why she chose this line of work over prostitution, including being unsure of what prostitution is- Viper had to explain the concept to her, though she seemed to not truly understand it during her interview.

Equipment and skills

Clothing and armor

Human/Halfling clothing and armor:

  • Top: Maid suit (with Bra underneath)
  • Bottom: Panties
  • Footwear: Regular shoes

Load-bearing equipment

Equipment and inventory

Equipped weapons:


Stats and skills

This character is a human. If a stat or skill is unlisted, assume the default for this character's species.

Skills: Species' natural skills + the following:

  • Combat skills: Basic (Crude Weapons)
  • Non-combat skills: Skilled (Negotiation)

Contracts Available

  • 24 hours: 100 P$
  • 3 days: 275 P$
  • 1 week: 500 P$

3D - Danny McPherson

Danny Dale Donnie McPherson
Unknown creature.png
Species Halfling icon.png
Feline halfling
Gender Non-binary
Born E7-672, Nonema 18
Died Alive (32 years old)
Dimensions 5'8", 135 lbs
Physical traits Dark skin
Black hair
Brown eyes
Thin build

Danny McPherson (callsign 3D, MAIM ID #55) is a feline halfling who specializes in pump-action weapons.


3D is from the town of Station Delta, far in the backwaters of the Northeastern Zone. They were born into a farming family, with little to no history of being involved with the Maze Military. Like all farmers, 3D grew up around guns, particularly pump-action firearms. On their 18th birthday, they purchased a Browning BPR and took it into the UA to go hunting. They found themselves quite comfortable in the field, becoming a very successful deer hunter in the NEZ and moving away from their family's farming roots.

One day, in their mid-20s, 3D decided to try hunting a new sort of game: sentient creatures. Taking a contract for a hit on a rival shop owner from the owner of the local Sean's Shotguns chain, 3D tracked their target through the UA for several hours before finally taking the shot. They found it to be just as peaceful as hunting game, and so decided to pursue a career as a mercenary, joining MAIM around 7 years ago. In the time since, they've become a modestly successful soldier of fortune, and now live in Ferron City to be closer to the Agency's headquarters.


3D is a very quiet sort of person, using few words, if any. They are well known for responding to most questions with a simple "yep" or "nope," and for using a very limited vocabulary when needing to explain more. Do not take this as a lack of intellect, as they are very worldly-wise, it is instead a result of lack of education and simply being that reserved. Beneath that, 3D is a generally warm, friendly person, taking a liking to most people the first time they meet them.

As a user of the BPR, 3D is very comfortable with all manners of pump-action firearms, including shotguns. They simply prefer the rifle, but can and will use a shotgun if given one by a client or if they find one they like in the UA. That said, they don't like long-term contracts, and will not work for a client for more than 3 days- they specialize in short jobs.

Equipment and skills

Clothing and armor

Human/Halfling clothing and armor:

  • Headgear: Cowboy hat
  • Top: Tank top
  • Body armor: Heavy stab vest
  • Bottom: Mountain pants
  • Footwear: Cowboy boots

Load-bearing equipment

Equipment and inventory

Equipped weapons:

  • Primary 1: Browning BPR (10+1/10, 11x .243 Winchester, Standard JSP)
    • Combined effects: 1.4x Damage on Unarmored ACs, 0.8x Damage on Armored ACs


  • Field Pack:
    • 1x GCK, 1x FAK

Stats and skills

This character is a feline halfling. If a stat or skill is unlisted, assume the default for this character's species.

Skills: Species' natural skills + the following:

  • Combat skills: Skilled (Pump-action weapons, bolt-action weapons, lever-action weapons), Basic (All other combat skills)
  • Non-combat skills: Skilled (Hunting), Basic (Healing, Repair)

Contracts Available

  • 24 hours: 250 P$
  • 3 days: 700 P$

Basher - Kerri Rostan

Kerri Rostan
Unknown creature.png
Species Human icon.png
Gender Female
Born E7-688, Penultima 17
Died Alive (26 years old)
Dimensions 5'9", 158 lbs
Physical traits Light skin
Blonde hair
Green eyes
Athletic build

Kerri Rostan (callsign Basher, MAIM ID #40) is one of the melee specialists, and a former shrine maiden.


Once a shrine maiden for Heaven, Ltd, Kerri Rostan has since come into MAIM's employment via the incident that gave her the callsign "Basher." Different witness accounts have told different stories about what happened, but all agree on one thing: she used her gohei to bash in the skulls of 3 people she felt weren't respecting her shrine enough. According to Rostan, this is because they were defacing the shrine and verbally abusing her. Per Heaven, Ltd.'s HR department, it was because she felt they weren't being generous enough with their donations. Regardless of what's actually true, her employment with the company was terminated immediately, and she found herself in need of a new job. Having done an amazing job demonstrating her skills for causing violence, she was quickly hired by MAIM, where she has been ever since.

Of note: Basher is no longer a shrine maiden. She is a normal human, like she was before her employment with Heaven, Ltd., though she still retains the appearance of a shrine maiden.


In spite of what one may think about her based on her history and callsign, Basher is not a ruthless or violent individual. While she is straightforward and won't shy away from violence, she also does not seek it out, and will generally prefer other solutions to problems. That said, she has named her gohei 'Brains' in honor of the incident that ended her employment with Heaven, Ltd., and it even still has the red stains on the paper tassels from that incident.

Equipment and skills

Clothing and armor

Human/Halfling clothing and armor:

  • Top: Kimono
  • Bottom: Hakama
  • Footwear: Geta

Load-bearing equipment

Equipment and inventory

Equipped weapons:

  • Primary 1: Gohei (affectionately named 'Brains') - IS 1


  • Courier Bag:
    • 3x Melee Repair Kits, 2x FAKs
  • Dump Belt
    • Mobile Phone

Stats and skills

This character is a human. If a stat or skill is unlisted, assume the default for this character's species.

Skills: Species' natural skills + the following:

  • Combat skills: Skilled (One-Handed Club, Two-Handed Club, Martial Arts), Basic (Semi-automatic pistols)
  • Non-combat skills: Basic (Healing, Repairing)

Contracts Available

  • 24 hours: 250 P$
  • 3 days: 700 P$
  • 1 week: 1500 P$

Nitro - Jeremy Dahm

Jeremy Dahm
Unknown creature.png
Species Human icon.png
Gender Male
Born E7-676, Triema 15
Died Alive (29 years old)
Dimensions 5'7", 145 lbs
Physical traits Medium skin
Black hair
Brown eyes
Wiry build

Jeremy Dahm (callsign Nitro, MAIM ID #11) is an explosives specialist.


Nitro was born into a painfully average background in the town of Lenox Corner, where his mother was a Miner in the town's mine. As a result, he was exposed to high explosives from a very young age, something that has probably had an effect on his mental chemistry (see below). He often experimented with combining different explosive compounds to create the most powerful blasts he could, eventually leading the Syndicate running him out of town after he blew up part of the casino.

In the time since, Nitro became something of a wandering demolitions expert. For those in the know, a truly seasoned expert is a rare thing, and if you're talking to someone with years of experience, they have to be good - otherwise, they wouldn't be sitting there discussing it with you!


Nitro has been described as being odd, or not all there. His only emotions seem to be 'neutral and stoic' and 'filled with explosive glee,' with nothing in between. The prevailing theory among other MAIM personnel is that this is a result of prolonged exposure to often-toxic explosive compounds, though medical evaluations (including one by Dr. Shiina 'Stitches' Iyama) haven't turned up any traces of such damage.

Prospective employers are warned to keep things simple with him: use short commands, issue simple tasks, and don't expect him to think about solutions other than explosions.

Equipment and skills

Clothing and armor

Human/Halfling clothing and armor:

  • Top: Parka
  • Bottom: Tracksuit pants
  • Footwear: Regular shoes

Load-bearing equipment

Equipment and inventory

Equipped weapons:


  • Field Pack:
    • 1x FAK
  • Nade Drake Belt:
    • Detonator, Mobile Phone

Stats and skills

This character is a human. If a stat or skill is unlisted, assume the default for this character's species.

Skills: Species' natural skills + the following:

  • Combat skills: Expert (Planted Explosives), Basic (Semi-auto pistols)

Contracts Available

  • 24 hours: 500 P$
  • 3 days: 1250 P$
  • 1 week: 2750 P$

Stitches - Shiina Iyama

Shiina Iyama (医山 幸花)
Unknown creature.png
Species Youkai icon.png
Gender Female
Born E7-584, Septema 28
Died Alive (120 years old)
Dimensions 5'9", 170 lbs
Physical traits Light skin/charcoal spots
Black hair
Amber eyes
Maternal build

Shiina Iyama (callsign Stitches (sometimes nicknamed Okaachan (お母ちゃん)), MAIM ID #21) is a former Nurse and current MAIM mercenary.


Stitches is a native of Twinleaf City, born to a hakutaku mother and a squamata halfling father. She lived a fairly quiet life for most of her years, going to school to become a Nurse and swiftly becoming a leader among her peers at the town's hospital. Gifted in the field of trauma medicine and surgery, she led a comfortable life, getting married and having 8 children over the following decades. An avid collector of rare and antique firearms, she amassed moderate renown for the many odd guns in her collection, most notably automatic revolvers. She was on track to becoming the hospital's medic when she suddenly decided to change careers, citing boredom and lack of opportunities to advance within the Medical Science Team.

Soon after, she approached MAIM to offer her services as a mercenary. While her background is highly unusual for such work, and her age is an outlier among mercenaries, she demonstrated basic weapons proficiencies and was allowed into the Agency shortly after it was founded. She remains the leading medical expert among the mercenaries, and is often responsible for stitching them back together after missions don't go to plan. When away on contracts, she carries significant amounts of medical supplies with her, leading to her being one of the most expensive mercenaries to hire - medicine and decades of experience don't come cheap.


In a word, Stitches is motherly. Caring, patient, and inexorably driven to defend those who matter to her, she often treats the other mercenaries in MAIM with the same affection she shows her own children. As a result of this, and her own personal aversion to being called Stitches, many other members of MAIM refer to her as Okaachan - literally, Mom. Like any mother, she often worries for them, and can tend to be nagging and protective of those she's formed an attachment with.

She also has a fascination with old and rare firearms, and is known to collect them if she comes across them in the UA. Of particular interest to her are exceptionally rare automatic revolvers, of which none are available by retail in the Mazes today. Employers can expect her to be easily distracted by this fascination, though she knows better than to let it effect her contract.

Equipment and skills

Clothing and armor

Youkai outfit: Reinforced Leather Outfit (Type T)

Load-bearing equipment

Equipment and inventory

Equipped weapons:

  • Primary 1: Winchester Model 1887 Classic (5+1 /5 12 gauge, Reduced Velocity R-Slug) - IS 18
    • Combined effects: Recoil -1, 0.5x Condition loss on a critical failure, 0.23x Pain and 0.14x Damage, injuries are fractures instead of wounds, every hit causing at least 1 LD stuns the target for 1 turn
  • Gunfighter belt holster 1: Webley & Scott Mark VI (6 /6, 6x .45 ACP, Reduced Velocity FMJ) - IS 3
    • Combined effects: FT +1, Recoil -1, 0.5x Condition loss on a critical failure, 0.9x Pain and Damage vs all ACs
  • Gunfighter belt holster 2: Webley & Scott Mark VI (6 /6, 6x .45 ACP, Reduced Velocity FMJ) - IS 3
    • Combined effects: FT +1, Recoil -1, 0.5x Condition loss on a critical failure, 0.9x Pain and Damage vs all ACs


  • TT-1CM Shotgun Modified Vest
    • General Capacity: 1x canteen, 1x HITB
    • Special Capacity: 48x 12 gauge Reduced Velocity R-Slug
  • Medic Pack:
    • General Capacity: 2x GCKs, 2x GRKs, 3x bottle of milk, 5x HAP
    • Special capacity 1: 3x FSKs
    • Special capacity 2: 4x FAKs, 1x BTK (Human), 1x BTK (Youkai)
    • Special Capacity 3: 4x oxycodone, 2x epinephrine, 3x epoetin-alpha, 1x hydroxocobalamin, 2x morphine, 1x tranexamic acid, 2x universal anti-venom, 5x paracetamol
  • Gunfighter Belt:
    • Special Capacity 2: 4x .45 ACP/.460 Rowland 6-shot moonclips (6x .45 ACP Reduced Velocity FMJ)
    • Key Items: 1x canteen, 1x mobile phone, 1x LifeVest (charged)
  • Medic leg rig:
    • Special Capacity 1: 1x Gauze Roll
    • Special Capacity 2: 5x HAP
  • Mushroom Collector rig:
    • Special Capacity 1: 5x Vulnus medicae (Wound Healing), 5x Extra chirurgia (Extra limb healing), 5x Sanguinus medicae (blood healing), 5x Ossum medicae (bone repair), 5x Anxietas medicae (stress relief), 5x Cessant sanguinem (stop the bleed)

Stats and skills

This character is a hakutaku. If a stat or skill is unlisted, assume the default for this character's species. Of note, Stitches (like all hakutaku) can identify mushrooms on sight, and will do this without question for a client.

Skills: Species' natural skills + the following:

  • Combat skills: Skilled (Lever-action weapons, Single-action revolver, Double-action revolver), Basic (Semi-auto pistols, Semi-auto rifles, Pump-action weapons)
  • Non-combat skills: Expert (Healing), Skilled (Repairing)

Contracts Available

  • 1 day: 1,500 P$
  • 3 days: 4,000 P$
  • 1 week: 7,500 P$

Six - Violet Amarillo

Violet Amarillo
Unknown creature.png
Species Human icon.png
Gender Female
Born E7-670, Hexima 16
Died Alive (34 years old)
Dimensions 6'3", 136 lbs
Physical traits Light skin
White hair (dyed)
Brown eyes
Lanky build

Violet Amarillo (callsign Six, MAIM ID #23) is a former raider and current mercenary.


Six hails from the Garcia Block, where she once belonged to a small-time gang known as the White Terrors, a name coming from their habit of bleaching their hair white. They became notorious for hit-and-run raids on UA travelers, and once made worldwide headlines in 688 when they hit a heavily-guarded caravan of precious coins, killing every hired bodyguard and the couriers themselves. Six, despite being only 18 at the time, was a key player in the success of this hit.

In the years that followed, the gang's influence declined, in no small part due to the Syndicate's low tolerance for competitors. The two other leaders of the gang insisted that they should fight the Yatela and reclaim Garica Block for themselves; Six, on the other hand, supported the idea of being assimilated into the Yatela family, in order to ensure their survival. The proposal was overwhelmingly rejected. On the day that followed, Violet was instructed to travel to the local fast food factory to collect a package; it turned out to be an ambush. Four gangsters, armed with various automatic firearms, attacked Violet in the deserted shop hub area. Fortunately for her, she managed to fight back, and managed to kill all four of her attackers. As it turned out, these four gangsters were all members of her own gang, who had begun fearing that Violet was a traitor who had ratted out to the Yatela family. In retaliation, Violet found and murdered her fellow gang leaders, having apparently beaten both of them with her bare hands until their skulls cracked open. The White Terrors were finished; being the only remaining gang leader and having killed six members, two of which being leading figures, Violet decided to rename herself to "Six" and to brand her left forearm with a tattoo depicting six cracked skulls piled up, so as to never forget the six traitors that tried, and failed to kill her.

Shortly thereafter, she joined MAIM, seeking stable and legal employment within an organization that could protect her from any possible retaliation from her former comrades.


Six is prone to violence and aggression, never backing down from a challenge or fight. In her mind, violence is the first line of defense against any problem, regardless of what that problem might be. She is equally fearless, and will run into combat without hesitation. The only thing equal to her aggression is her tenacity, once Six has set her mind on something she will not stop until she has accomplished it.

Equipment and skills

Clothing and armor

Human/Halfling clothing and armor:

  • Headgear: Light steel helmet
  • Top: Armored dress
  • Bottom: Cargo pants (blue camo)
  • Footwear: Steel-toed safety boots

Load-bearing equipment

Equipment and inventory

Equipped weapons:

  • Holster 1: KBP OTs-62 "Revolver Shotgun" (5 /5, 5x 12 gauge, Magnum P-Buck) - IS 5
    • Combined effects: Recoil +1, 2.0x Condition loss on a critical failure, 1.1x Pain and Damage vs all ACs


Stats and skills

This character is a human. If a stat or skill is unlisted, assume the default for this character's species.

Skills: Species' natural skills + the following:

  • Combat skills: Skilled (Semi-auto pistol, Automatic pistol), Basic (All other combat skills)
Last modified on 17 September 2023, at 04:58