Unarmed combat

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Unarmed combat is, as the name indicates, fighting without the use of weapons. The purpose of this page is to specifically focus on punching, kicking, and more advanced martial arts techniques that can be learned by human, halfling, and most youkai characters. For the more general natural attacks that are innate to certain creatures, please refer to each individual creature page instead.


All unarmed combat techniques call for the Martial arts combat skill. Like other melee weapon skills, Martial arts has its own range of maximum attacks per turn, which varies depending on skill level.

At the core of unarmed combat are the two basic melee attacks, the punch and the kick. These basic moves are the "weapons" of unarmed combat, and may be selected alongside a target and an amount of attempted attacks, just like any other weapon. It is possible to attempt multiple basic punches or kicks, depending on your skill level and corresponding max attacks per turn, but it is not possible to mix basic punches and kicks in the same turn.

The punch can be performed by every human, halfling and youkai character, as all of them possess hands that can be balled up into fists. The kick can be performed by almost everyone, with the notable exception of the jorougumo; who do not possess humanoid legs, instead having eight spider legs, unsuitable for kicking.

As such, if your character is a jorougumo, please remember that they cannot perform kicks or techniques involving kicks, and as such do not have access to the full range of unarmed combat techniques. The affected techniques are Stun kick and Spinning kick. Additionally, while Power surge can be performed by a jorougumo, they can only perform punches following activation.

Damage tables


The base damage for a punch is represented by bare fists. Certain Handgear, may result in a higher base damage per punch. Refer to the pages for each individual Handgear weapon for exact values.

The basic punch has an Initiative Speed of 1.

Damage type LDV Pain (C1) Pain (C2) Pain (A1) Pain (A2) Pain (A3) Pain (A4) Pain (A5)
Blunt -3 12% 11% 9% 6% 3% 1% 0%


The base damage for a kick is fixed, effectively only influenced by Strength, regardless of footwear worn.

The basic kick has an Initiative Speed of 1.

Damage type LDV Pain (C1) Pain (C2) Pain (A1) Pain (A2) Pain (A3) Pain (A4) Pain (A5)
Blunt -1 25% 23% 18% 12% 6% 1% 0%

Martial arts

In order for a character to learn martial arts techniques, multiple requirements must be met. Each technique requires a certain skill level in Martial arts in order for it to be available at all, and once that level is reached or exceeded, lessons must be purchased in order to learn the technique and become able to perform it.

All martial arts techniques can be learned at a Dojo.

Certain species may already know all of these techniques as a starting advantage, and in turn have the requisite skill levels to perform all of them.

In total, there are 8 techniques that can be learned.

Stun kick

A single, powerful kicking strike, intended to deal a lot of damage to an opponent.

  • Cost: Parallar symbol.png500
  • Required skill level in Martial arts: Basic

How to use:

  • When using this technique, your max attacks per turn in Martial arts is reduced by 1 (at Basic level, this would mean 2 instead of 3.)
  • Attack the target as you normally would using kicks. You must score at least 1 hit on your target; one of the hits will be "converted" to a stun kick.
  • A successful stun kick deals 2.0x Pain and Limb Damage, and will stun the target for 1 turn. It will also inflict +1.0% Fatigue to the practitioner.

Power fist

A single powerful punching strike, intended to cause a lot of damage and break bones.

  • Cost: Parallar symbol.png500
  • Required skill level in Martial arts: Basic

How to use:

  • When using this technique, your max attacks per turn in Martial arts is reduced by 1 (at Basic level, this would mean 2 instead of 3.)
  • Attack the target as you normally would using punches. You must score at least 1 hit on your target; one of the hits will be "converted" to a power fist.
  • A successful power fist deals 2.0x Pain and Limb Damage, and will cause a Fracture on the struck body part, if applicable. It will also inflict +1.0% Fatigue to the practitioner.

Burst punch

This technique allows the user to deliver twice more blows, but each individual hit has reduced power.

  • Cost: Parallar symbol.png750
  • Required skill level in Martial arts: Skilled

How to use:

  • When using this technique, your max attacks per turn in Martial arts is doubled (at Basic level, this would mean 6 instead of 3.)
  • Attack the target as you normally would using punches. Every successful hit will deal a reduced amount of damage (the multiplier depends on your skill level) to compensate for the doubled max attacks per turn.

Wind strike

A technique which allows the user to make efficient use of their strength for the purpose of pushing an opponent far and away from the user.

  • Cost: Parallar symbol.png1000
  • Required skill level in Martial arts: Skilled

How to use:

  • When using this technique, your max attacks per turn in Martial arts is reduced to 1.
  • Attack the target as you normally would using a punch.
  • On a successful hit, a wind strike deals 1.5x Pain and Limb Damage. You will then be prompted to select a Battlespace Side other than the one you and your opponent are located into - the opponent will be forcibly thrown into the selected Side.
    • Note: Enemies thrown into another Side will trigger primed Pressure Mines, and any primed Directional Mines aimed at the Side from which the enemy was thrown from. This can be used to the practitioner's advantage.


A technique which requires the user to focus and send as many hits as possible into the target; the idea being that the more the user is skilled, the easier it is to maintain that focus.

  • Cost: Parallar symbol.png1500
  • Required skill level in Martial arts: Skilled

How to use:

  • The player must play the Avalanche mini-game to determine the amount of damage dealt to the target.

Avalanche mini-game

The objective of the minigame is to score as many Strike points as possible before losing all Focus points.


  • You start with a certain amount of Focus points, depending on your Martial arts skill level.
    • Skilled or less: 1 point
    • Expert: 2 points
    • Master: 3 points

How to play:

  • Roll 2d6s in groups of three. For every 7 or more, you gain 1 Strike point. For every 6 or less, you lose 1 Focus point. Criticals result in doubled points; a critical success (12) results in gaining 2 Strike points, whereas a critical failure (2) results in losing 2 Focus points.
  • The mini-game ends when you run out of Focus points.
  • At the end of the mini-game, count the total amount of Strike points accumulated. your character will score as many hits as Strike points accumulated on the intended target. Each hit is considered to be a punch dealing 0.5x Pain and Limb Damage.
  • Your character will also gain +0.5% Fatigue for every Strike point accumulated.


Not an offensive technique, but a useful one all the same. Sometimes, the opponent has something you want; take it, and turn it on them.

  • Cost: Parallar symbol.png1000
  • Required skill level in Martial arts: Skilled

How to use:

  • This technique counts as a melee attack. On a successful hit, your opponent must make an Agility check. If the result of that check is equal or lower than your attack roll result, then Steal is successful, and you will be allowed to steal one of the following:
    • One of the target's equipped weapons
    • One item (or up to 100 coins) inside the target's inventory
      • You may also "reverse-pickpocket" and plant one item (or up to 100 coins) from your inventory into the target's.
  • Objects stolen using this technique can be immediately equipped (if applicable), added to your inventory (if you have enough space for it), or thrown to a random Side of the room.
  • If you fail the Steal check, if no objects are eligible, or if you succeed but choose to take nothing, your turn immediately ends.

Power surge

You may know it as inner strength, chi/ki, or any other similar name; this technique is all about channeling it and, for a brief moment, strike with dramatic force, at the cost of being quite tiresome.

  • Cost: Parallar symbol.png1500
  • Required skill level in Martial arts: Expert

How to use:

  • After activating this technique, you may attack as you normally would, with either punches or kicks.
  • For 1 turn, every successful hit (including inaccurate hits) is treated as a critical hit.
  • Every successful hit will cause the practitioner to gain +2.0% Fatigue.

Spinning kick

A technique which allows the user to channel their inner energy and, for a brief moment, concentrate all strength into a kick so strong, the opponent will be sent flying and spinning into another Side of the Battlespace. It can be thought of as a combination of Power surge and Wind strike.

  • Cost: Parallar symbol.png2000
  • Required skill level in Martial arts: Expert

How to use:

  • When using this technique, your max attacks per turn in Martial arts is reduced to 1.
  • Attack the target as you normally would using a kick.
  • On a successful hit, a spinning kick deals 2.5x Pain and Limb Damage. You will then be prompted to select a Battlespace Side other than the one you and your opponent are located into - the opponent will be forcibly thrown (spinning) into the selected Side.
    • Note: Enemies thrown into another Side will trigger primed Pressure Mines, and any primed Directional Mines aimed at the Side from which the enemy was thrown from. This can be used to the practitioner's advantage.
  • On a successful hit, the practitioner will gain +4.0% Fatigue.

Monkey's Paw

The ultimate stealing technique. With it, you can steal someone's clothes right off their back.

  • Cost: Parallar symbol.png4000
  • Required skill level in Martial arts: Master (+ must already have learned Steal)

How to use:

  • Same as Steal; the range of objects you can steal is simply expanded to the following:
    • One of the target's equipped weapons
    • One item (or up to 100 coins) inside the target's inventory
      • You may also "reverse-pickpocket" and plant one item (or up to 100 coins) from your inventory into the target's.
    • One worn piece of LBE
    • One worn piece of clothing and armor (excluding all variants of the Power Armor Suit, Helmet, or Youkai Power Armor)

Touch of Death

Known to youkai as Kyuusho-jutsu (急所術, literally "Pressure points technique"), this is the ultimate martial arts technique, which allows the user to channel all of their inner energy into a series of precise, powerful strikes, designed to kill an opponent in a gruesome manner, or at the very least severely disable them. It is, however, difficult to execute properly, and failure may result in self-damage.

  • Cost: Parallar symbol.png4000
  • Required skill level in Martial arts: Master

How to use:

  • The player must play the Touch of Death mini-game to determine the amount of damage dealt to the target.

Touch of Death mini-game

The objective of the minigame is to win as many rounds of rock-paper-scissors as possible, and lose as little as possible. After the user has determined a target, the player will be asked whether they wish to attempt 3, 5, or 7 hits; one round of RPS per attempted hit will then be played.

Winning a round of RPS will result in gaining a Touch point. Losing a round will result in gaining a Break point. Draws result in gaining nothing.

After playing the desired amount of rounds, the amount of Break points is first checked:

  • If the amount of Break points is less than half the total amount of rounds played: Proceed to the next step
  • If the amount of Break points is more than half the total amount of rounds played: The character sustains Limb Damage to all of their hands, equal to the amount of Break points accumulated. If that amount is equal to 3 or more, both hands are also fractured. No damage is dealt to the target, and the mini-game ends.

If the previous step has been passed successfully, then:

  • Your character will hit the intended target with as many punches as RPS rounds played (3, 5, or 7) at normal damage.
  • The amount of Touch points is then checked for additional effects:
    • 0 Touch points: No additional effects.
    • 1-2 Touch points: The target is stunned for 2 turns.
    • 3-4 Touch points: The total amount of Pain and Limb damage dealt from the punches is doubled, and the target is stunned for 2 turns.
    • 5-6 Touch points: The total amount of Pain and Limb damage dealt from the punches is tripled, and the target is stunned for 3 turns.
    • 7 Touch points: The total amount of Pain and Limb damage dealt from the punches is multiplied by 44; it will likely result in brutal and instant death. If it somehow doesn't, then the target is stunned for 4 turns.