Tula Arms Nagant M1895

Revision as of 19:31, 18 September 2021 by Tempest (Talk | contribs)

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Weapon, Class 3
Tula Arms Nagant M1895
Tula Arms Nagant M1895.jpg
Game information
Category Revolver
Fire modes DA/SA
Caliber 7.62x38mm R Nagant
Barrel length (inches) 4.5
Feeding system Cylinder
+1 round in chamber? No
Critical failure type Failure to fire
Stock type No stock (N)
Weight (units) 3
Max condition 12000
Shop value / Rarity Parallar symbol.png200 (Rarity 1)
Accessory compatibility
Feeding Cylinder
Standard: 7-round capacity
Muzzle N/A
Standard: None
Optics N/A
Standard: None
Underbarrel mount N/A
Standard: None
Lights N/A
Standard: None
Real world information
Manufacturer Tula Arms
Country of origin Belgium.png Belgium
Russia.png Russian Empire
Year 1895

"I don't have a witty description for this item yet."
Hebizuka (quote written by Unknown)

The Tula Arms Nagant M1895 (also called Nagant M1895, M1895 or simply Nagant) is a 7.62x38mm R Nagant revolver.

Maze Customs

Due to the particulars of this revolver (see below), the Nagant M1895 is one of only two revolvers on the roster that can receive the barrel threading service, alongside its snub-nosed counterpart.


As hinted above, it is possible to mount a silencer on the Nagant M1895. This is a particular function of this revolver; upon pulling the trigger in double action, or upon cocking the hammer in preparation for a single-action shot, the entire cylinder moves forwards to align the top chamber with the barrel, creating what is known as a gas seal; no gases escape from between the cylinder and the frame upon firing. This fact makes suppressing or silencing this revolver possible, and it is aided by the design of the ammunition, with a bullet completely encased inside the case, instead of simply on top of it.


Nagant uncocked.jpg Nagant cocked.jpg
An uncocked Nagant revolver, clearly showing the gap between
cylinder and frame, as found in most revolvers.
A cocked Nagant revolver, demonstrating the cylinder in
forward position, and the gas seal formed.
Last modified on 18 September 2021, at 19:31