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Navigation: Main Page Creatures Occupations Mercenary

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A mercenary (also called merc) is a soldier of fortune whose services are available in exchange for payment. While most mercs are independent, some are members of the Mercenary Agency In the Mazes (MAIM), a professional mercenary agency.


Clothing and armor

Human/Halfling clothing and armor:

  • Headgear: T armor helmet
  • Top: Camouflage t-shirt, blue
  • Body armor: Light T armor
  • Bottom: Cargo pants, blue camo
  • Footwear: Military boots

Youkai outfit: Combat Outfit

Load-bearing equipment

Equipment and inventory

Mercenaries may have one of three different sets of items (roll 1d3 per merc to determine):

Set 1

Equipped weapons:


Set 2

Equipped weapons:


Set 3

Equipped weapons:

  • Auxiliary: Norinco QCW-05 (50+1 /50, 50x 5.8x21mm, Standard AP) - IS 5
    • Combined effects: Silenced, 0.6x damage against unarmored ACs, 1.5x damage against armored ACs
  • Holster 1: FN Herstal/Browning Hi-Power (13+1 /13, 14x 9x19mm Parabellum SAP) - IS 3
    • Combined effects: 0.8x damage against unarmored ACs, 1.3x damage against armored ACs


Other information

Skills: Species' natural skills + the following:

  • Combat skills: Basic (All combat skills)

At the GM's discretion, a mercenary may be MAIM standard and have the following skills instead:

  • Combat skills: Skilled (All combat skills)
  • Non-combat skills: Basic (Healing, Repair). If desired, a 1d99 may be rolled, and if the result matches with the ID of a named character, they can take the place of one of the mercenaries randomly generated.

Occupation traits:

  • Highest Bidder: Creatures of this occupation will always work for whoever pays them the most, allowing for combat situations to be defused by beating the pay of their current contract.


This article or section contains lore-related information.
Though not strictly necessary for playing the game, you are encouraged to read this section if you wish to have a better understanding of the game's universe.

While the term mercenary refers to anyone who can be hired to perform specific duties for payment, the word carries specific meanings in the Mazes. Individuals who identify as mercenaries are generally armed fighters who explicitly fight for money or compensation. Factions, allegiances, and opinions are secondary at best, and often not relevant at all to the life of a mercenary. For this reason, it is important not to confuse a mercenary with a soldier or a raider. Unlike a soldier, who is explicitly a member of the Maze Military and subject to its hierarchy, mercenaries can be hired by anyone for any reasons. Unlike a raider, who generally shuns living in towns and is usually part of a criminal gang, a mercenary typically still fits into civilized life.

As a broad profession in the Mazes, mercenaries come in all forms, ranging from freelancers who do it part-time to true professionals whose fees reach into the five-figure range. As a rule, most mercenaries prefer to "fight light;" they carry lightweight SMGs and wear light body armor so their movement is not restricted.

Culturally, the mercenary profession exists out of necessity. As the adage goes, the Military can't keep every road clean at once, and traveling with a trustworthy partner is better than not. Mercs traditionally fill a security gap, real or perceived, by effectively acting as bodyguards for hire. One of the most common reasons to hire a merc is self-protection. In the Mazes, consistently hiring mercenaries for self-protection is a traditional sign of wealth; everyone has weapons, but few can hire others to carry them at all times.

In recent years, as the conflict between the Maze Military and the Youkai Nation ebbs and flows, so do the fortunes of mercenaries and merc groups, as they profit the most from the towns, communities, and roads neither faction can (or wants) to protect consistently. Mercenaries have often been seen working for the upper classes or on behalf of towns and other small organizations, thriving on fulfilling security needs or completing missions on the edge of battles between factions.

As a rule, mercenaries are as friendly as anyone else, and won't initiate hostilities unless they've been contracted to kill someone. While there is less stigma to being a mercenary than being a raider or a gang member, their reputation is directly tied to their level of professionalism, and not all mercs are cut from the same cloth. Expect a full spectrum of individuals, from better-paid raider-like personalities to fully professional and devoted individuals.

While most mercs are freelance and independent, some work for mercenary organizations, which are part business and part merc unions. The most successful is the Mercenary Agency In the Mazes (MAIM), a more professional organization that generally employs more skilled mercenaries. Members of MAIM can be distinguished from other mercenaries by their ID badges, which include an ID number between 01 and 99. These mercenaries generally have more expensive contracts and are all full-time, professional soldiers of fortune who have made merc work their lifestyle.

Price Index

The cost of a mercenary's services can vary greatly and are normally rated by the day or week, depending on the contract.

Typical prices for an independent (non-MAIM) mercenary:

  • 1 day: 150 P$
  • 3 days: 400 P$
  • 1 week: 750 P$

Typical prices for a MAIM mercenary:

  • 1 day: 250 P$
  • 3 days: 700 P$
  • 1 week: 1,500 P$

Specific mercenaries may charge higher rates if they are especially skilled, please refer to MAIM's staff list for more information.