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Navigation: Main Page Game mechanics Skills Lockpicking

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Lockpicking is both the name of a non-combat skill and an associated activity.

As the name implies, Lockpicking is all about finding locks and defeating them in order to access what may be on the other side.


Depending on the type of lock that needs to be picked, you will need:

Picking locks

The main purpose for this skill is to defeat locks fitted on various locked containers if one does not possess a compatible key, without resorting to brute force methods. Because containers are very often filled with loot, of a potentially high value, it may be worth investing in this skill.

Two types of locks exist: mechanical locks, which require mechanical lockpicking tools of some kind, and electronic locks, which require dedicated hacking tools. It is also possible to attempt picking a container trap, which counts as a mechanical lock, but will be explained in its own section.

It is important to note that if a lock of any kind has received damage from brute forcing, it will no longer accept keys/keycards and it cannot be lockpicked anymore, due to being bent out of shape, obstructed, or some other form of damage making normal use impossible.

Picking mechanical locks

To pick a mechanical lock, you need a Lockpicking kit and a mechanical lock to defeat. The actual lockpicking process is conceptualized through a minigame, which is a variant of the Mastermind board game, with the GM as codemaker, and the players as codebreakers.

A code is composed of four symbols, each of which can be one of six different types. They can be conceptualized as numbers (123456), letters symbolizing their colors (RGBYOP), or by directly using emoji (🔴🔵🟢🟡🟠🟣).

When a player intends to start picking a mechanical lock, the GM must randomly determine the lock's correct combination in secret by rolling 4d6, and referring to the table below:

Number Letter Emoji
1 R 🔴
2 G 🔵
3 B 🟢
4 Y 🟡
5 O 🟠
6 P 🟣

For example, if the GM rolls 4d6 and gets 4, 1, 5 and 5, the correct combination is, depending on the method used: 4155, YROO, or 🟡🔴🟠🟠.

Once the GM has secretly determined the correct combination, they may invite the player to start making guesses. Each guess costs 1 use of a lockpicking kit. After the player has made a guess, the GM compares it with the correct combination, and may return the following responses:

  • The GM says "Match X/4", where X is the number of symbols with correct color and position. (Match 4/4 suggests a 100% correct guess and therefore an unlock.)
  • The GM says "Mismatch X/4", where X is the number of symbols with correct color but incorrect position. (Mismatch 4/4 suggests that all four colors in the guess are correct, but in the wrong order.)

Example: Paulie attempts lockpicking a mechanical lock on a metallic container, looking to uncover the loot within. The GM secretly determines that the correct combination is 🟡🔴🟠🟠 (4155 / YROO). Paulie's first guess is 🔴🔵🟡🟣 (1246 / RBYP); there are 2 correct colors, but they are both in incorrect positions, so the GM responds "Mismatch 2/4". It is now up to Paulie to use the information returned and keep making guesses, until he can get to the correct combination and finally get to what's inside the container.

Dealing with container traps


Picking electronic locks

To pick an electronic lock, you need a Hacking tool and an electronic lock to defeat. The actual lockpicking process is conceptualized through a minigame, which is a type of word unscrambling minigame.


Lockpicking skill levels


Skill level SP Effects
Unskilled 0 x
Basic 50 x
Skilled 200 x
Expert 500 x
Master 1000 x
Last modified on 16 February 2020, at 21:35