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Containers are a special type of room furniture, which contain a variety of objects. Like supply crates, containers have no Weight rating and therefore cannot be carried in the inventory. Unlike supply crates however, they are known for being made out of various materials, and fitted with security devices (such as locks and traps) to keep the contents safe.

Containers fill a sort of "treasure chest" role, though are usually more difficult to open and loot, and may even be dangerous to approach, especially if fitted with a trap system.

Containers have three traits: a frame type, a lock type, and a trap type.


Frame types

Container frames may be made out of wood or out of metal.

The frame type determines its resistance to damage when brute forced, but also the loot table it will draw from; wooden containers typically carry items of relatively lower value, while metallic ones usually have higher value items.

Loot from a wooden container is generated using the &boxlootW command, while metal container loot is generated with the &boxlootM command.

Lock types

Locks are either mechanical (requires a mechanical key to open) or electronic (requires a keycard).

It must be noted that if a container is generated without a lock, it is never generated with a trap; as it would be pointless to add a trap to a box that can otherwise be opened by anyone.

Trap types

If fitted with a trap, a container may be fitted with one of 10 different defense mechanisms, selected at random with the &boxtraps command.

When trapped, the container's trap will activate if it sustains any damage; and will target the creature that dealt damage to it. Each trap behaves differently with very different effects, all of which are explained on the table below.

Most traps have an accuracy rating, used to determine the trap's chance to actually hit the person damaging the container. A critical failure always results in the trap failing in some form or another, or disabling itself.

Even if a trap is successful, most don't have unlimited ammunition, and will be disabled once they run out. The table also lists the amounts of shots each trap is fitted with.

Trap type Description Accuracy Ammunition Critical failure effects
Claymore trap Detonates a M18A1 Claymore mine. FT 7, IR 0 1 Mine is a dud, fails to fire.
Chlorine gas trap Releases a chlorine gas cloud in all Sides of the room. 100% accurate; cloud lasts 1d6 turns 1 Always successful, cannot critically fail
Tear gas trap Releases a tear gas cloud in all Sides of the room. 100% accurate; cloud lasts 1d6 turns 1 Always successful, cannot critically fail
Flame trap Fires a gout of flame from an E46 flamethrower. FT 6 IR 0 3 Flamethrower system jams, will not fire remaining ammo
Light gun trap Fires a three-round burst of 9x19mm, Standard FMJ ammunition out of a 5" barrel. FT 6 IR 0 (per shot) 30 (10 bursts) Gun system jams, will not fire remaining ammo
Heavy gun trap Fires a three-round burst of 5.56x45mm, Standard FMJ ammunition out of a 14.5" barrel. FT 6 IR 0 (per shot) 30 (10 bursts) Gun system jams, will not fire remaining ammo
Shotgun trap Fires a 12 gauge, Standard P-Buck out of a 10" barrel. FT 6 IR 0 2 Gun system jams, will not fire remaining ammo
Blade launcher trap Launches a ballistic knife blade (as if used in Fire mode). FT 6 IR 0 3 Launcher system jams, will not fire remaining ammo
Poison trap Launches a VNM arrow. FT 6 IR 0 3 Launcher system jams, will not fire remaining ammo
Failsafe trap Detonates internal explosive charges, which will destroy 100% of the items inside. 100% accurate 1 Always successful, cannot critically fail
Mimic trap, Biter Is a mimic. Its lid is lined with sharp teeth superficially similar to knife blades or pointy metal rods. See below See below See below
Mimic trap, Basher Is a mimic. Has a sticky, glue-like surface and tentacles to bash opponents with. See below See below See below
Mimic trap, Melter Is a mimic. Can spit Acidblasts, similar to an Acidragon. See below See below See below
Mimic trap, Burner Is a mimic. Can spit Fireblasts, similar to a Dragon. See below See below See below

Container traps can be picked independently from the lock itself, which will disable the trap and render it safe. If a container trap is successfully picked, it will be disabled. Certain types also allow access to weapons or ammunition contained within the trap system:

  • Claymore trap, Flame trap: The weapon contained becomes accessible.
  • Light gun trap, Heavy gun trap, Shotgun trap, Poison trap: All remaining ammunition becomes accessible.

Mimic traps

Mimic traps are less conventional traps used to protect a container's loot, and more magical creatures that happen to carry the loot inside their bellies. As mimics, they imitate the look and feel of a genuine container, until approached by an adventurer looking to open it. Even if you have the correct key for it, a mimic trap will make its presence known and attack.

Upon approaching a mimic trap, Combat mode immediately begins, with the mimic trap starting on the same Side as you. All mimics have the following traits:

  • Same durability as a regular container, and its body and lock remain independently targetable and retain their HP and LDV. No Pain Sensitivity, Blood, or Armor Class. For ammunition type purposes, all Mimics count as Armored.
  • Base accuracy: FT 6, IR 0.
  • Capable of moving, with an Agility of -1.
  • Unlike regular containers and brute-forcing, hitting a mimic trap does not come with the risk of damaging the loot inside.
  • Drops all of its loot upon dying.

Depending on the type of mimic trap encountered, it has access to different attacks:

Mimic trap, Biter

Damage type Range MAPT IS LDV Pain (C1) Pain (C2) Pain (A1) Pain (A2) Pain (A3) Pain (A4) Pain (A5)
Piercing Melee 3 14 +3 55% 50% 39% 30% 22% 11% 2%

Mimic trap, Basher

Damage type Range MAPT IS LDV Pain (C1) Pain (C2) Pain (A1) Pain (A2) Pain (A3) Pain (A4) Pain (A5)
Blunt Melee 5 14 +1 33% 31% 26% 21% 17% 8% 2%

Mimic trap, Melter

Damage type Range MAPT IS LDV Pain (All ACs)
Spec-Acid Ranged 1 18 +4 16%

Mimic trap, Burner

Damage type Range MAPT IS LDV Pain (All ACs)
Spec-Fire Ranged 1 18 +4 45%

Container generation

The &genbox command is used to generate a container's frame and lock type, and whether or not it is fitted with a trap.

All the possible combinations and chances of getting each are listed below.

Frame type Lock type Trapped
Wooden frame Mechanical lock Yes (9%)
No (21%)
Electronic lock Yes (6%)
No (6%)
No lock, no trap (18%)
Metal frame Mechanical lock Yes (5%)
No (7%)
Electronic lock Yes (15%)
No (5%)
No lock, no trap (8%)

Each lock type implies a corresponding key and matching serial number.

  • Mechanical locks are unlocked with keys, and therefore possess a key's serial number (000 to 999)
  • Electronic locks are unlocked with keycards, and therefore possess a keycard's serial number (000 to 999)

Accessing a container

Assuming the container is fitted with a lock, there are three different methods to access the contents: Using a suitable key, lockpicking, or brute force.

The safest and most straightforward method is to simply use a key matching the lock's serial number; however this is also the least likely option available to an average character.


See Lockpicking for more information.

Brute force

If a character opts to use brute force to defeat a container or a lock, they must engage in combat against it, until it is destroyed or the character gives up. Because containers are inanimate objects, accuracy is guaranteed; all attacks will hit. However, rolling as normal is still necessary for critical failures and critical successes.

Two elements are distinguished: the frame and the lock itself. Either can be targeted at your convenience, and the contents of the container can be accessed when either has been destroyed (health reduced to 0).


  • Wooden frames have 40 health and LDV-2. For ammunition type purposes, they are considered Armored.
  • Metal frames have 80 health and LDV-4. For ammunition type purposes, they are considered Armored.


  • Mechanical locks have 25 health and LDV-3. For ammunition type purposes, they are considered Armored.
  • Electronic locks have 50 health and LDV-4. For ammunition type purposes, they are considered Armored.

Special cases:

  • Lockers are a special type of container. They are considered to have a sheet metal frame (50 health and LDV-1) and always fitted with a mechanical lock.
    • In the UA, lockers generated in locker rooms contain loot equivalent to a wooden container (&BoxLootW).
  • Although not containers, Handcuffs can be brute-forced; see that page for more details.

Caveats of brute-forcing

As explained in the section above, when a container fitted with a trap receives damage, that trap will be triggered instantly. The only way to avoid triggering a trap is to successfully lockpick it or use a suitable key.

Another issue when brute-forcing a container is the chance of destroying items inside. Every time a container receives a hit dealing at least 1 damage, there is a chance that an item inside will be destroyed; that chance depends on where the container was hit.

If the container received at least one damaging hit on the...

  • Frame: +4% chance per hit to destroy the items inside.
  • Lock: +2% chance per hit to destroy the items inside.

The chance is cumulative and depends on the total number of hits on the frame or lock. The roll is made when the box is opened one way or another. Note that this also applies to padlocked caches.

If the lock has sustained damage at any point, it will no longer accept keys/keycards and it cannot be lockpicked anymore, due to being bent out of shape, obstructed, or some other form of damage making normal use impossible.

For GMs: Item destruction works by selecting a random object line among all of the object lines representing the items inside the container, and marking it as destroyed. As such, more than one actual object (e.g. a magazine containing ammunition) can be destroyed in this process, even if it counted as "one item".