
Squamata halfling

37 bytes added, 15:36, 7 July 2020
/* Overview */
Halflings resemble humans at first glance, but possess several animalistic traits differentiating them from humans, appearing to be a cross between human and animal. They are completely sapient and civilized, and have integrated into settlements and society at large since their discovery. There exists 7 different halfling sub-species, each one possessing traits and elements from a different animal. All halflings are biologically compatible with each other, [[human|humans]], and by extension, with [[youkai]], and all have retained the [[human]]'s omnivore diet.
''Squamata halflings'' possess reptilian features on an otherwise human-like body, and are genetically related to snakes and lizards. Specifically, they lack a human-like nose, but possess a snake-like tongue, long and forked, with which they can smell. They do have human-like ears, but they are much smaller than normal. Their eyes are slitted and reptilian, and they possess a snake-like tail. They also possess soft scales in lieu of fur or skin, which covers their entire body. These scales are flesh-colored and can take on the same colors as human skin, and while they feel firm to the touch, they are not remotely hard enough to count as armor.  Most remarkably, snakepersons possess human-like teeth, except for their two upper canines, which are instead long, sharp snake fangs connected to venom sacs. This allows snakepersons to deliver poisonous bites, and the venom is considered to be quite potent. For this reason, snakepersons try not to rely on biting targets with their fangs, unless they are certain they wish to poison it.
Colloquially, a squamata halfling may be referred to as a ''snakeperson'' (''snakeboy'' and ''snakegirl'' are also commonly employed, sometimes substituted with ''mouse-'' as a prefix). On average, they are about the same height as humans, averaging at 5 feet 7 inches. An average snakeperson's constitution, however, is very lean, almost lithe, with little muscle mass and almost no fat. This translated into an average weight of just 100 pounds for males, and 75 pounds for females. Like humans, however, the actual height and weight may vary greatly between individuals.
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