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Navigation: Main Page Game mechanics Identification

The concept of identification (also called ID or IDing) is an important element of the game.

Various items in the game (most Meds, Mushrooms and Gemstones) may only be described by a generic appearance (they are referred to as unidentified or un-ID'd items), and their true nature (name, effects, and in some cases, exact value) is hidden from the player, known only to the Game Master.

In order to discover what these items really are, the player character must find a specialist to show these items to, in order to get them identified, usually at the cost of a small fee per item.


Unknown Meds are described by shape and color, and may be shown to a meds shop, for a fee of Parallar symbol.png10 per item.


Unknown Mushrooms are described by color and smell, and may be shown to either a meds shop or any hakutaku character. The meds shop identification fee is Parallar symbol.png10 per item. Prices from a hakutaku should vary depending on occupation and willingness to help, but usually range between free and Parallar symbol.png50 per item at the GM's discretion.

If the player character is a hakutaku themselves, they will automatically identify any mushroom they see; therefore they can effectively never find unidentified mushrooms.


Unknown Gemstones are described by color. Gemstones have two levels of identification: Identified but unappraised and Appraised.

Jewelry stores may provide both services. Identification is free, but appraisal always costs Parallar symbol.png10 per item.

It is possible to sell gemstones that haven't been properly identified or appraised, however this comes with caveats:

  • Selling an unidentified gem will result in your buyer assuming they are the lowest possible value, as if they were lowest-quality pieces of glass; you will always get Parallar symbol.png1 per unidentified gem.
  • Selling an identified but unapppraised gem will result in your buyer assuming that this gemstone is of the lowest quality possible. E.g. an identified but unappraised lapis-lazuli can be sold for Parallar symbol.png35.
  • Selling an appraised gem will net the exact value listed.
Tips for Game Masters
GMs must normally keep track of which unidentified items the player characters are currently carrying, and keep that information hidden from the players until these items are identified. However, if for one reason or another, that information is lost and all you are left with is the appearance of the item, you can randomly determine what the item actually is based on its appearance.
For example, there are three different types of black gems; so if you need to determine a random type of black gem, you may assign each type a number, then roll a 1d3 to randomly choose which item it is.
Last modified on 14 December 2019, at 22:37