

5 bytes removed, 23:54, 2 May 2021
If you last had a drink...
* 1 time day period ago (Day 12, Day): No change to Inebriation - must wait one more day period to start eliminating alcohol.* 2 time day periods ago (Day 12, Morning): -5.0 Inebriation* 3 time day periods ago (Day 11, Night): -10.0 Inebriation total* 4 time day periods ago (Day 11, Evening): -15.0 Inebriation total* 5 time day periods ago (Day 11, Afternoon): -20.0 Inebriation total
And so on, and so forth. Repeat as needed, decreasing gradually by -5.0 with every new day period, until reaching 0.0 or the next drink, whichever comes first.
Bureaucrat, administrator