

5 bytes added, 15:48, 9 July 2020
Jorougumo are immune to most known poisons and venoms, including their own, and have the ability to recognize when something is poisonous by licking it or eating it (describing the taste as "metallic" and generally unpleasant). This seemingly innocuous ability makes it easier for them to survive on their own, particularly in the Uncivilized Area, but it is also very helpful to complete a [[hakutaku]]'s abilities; if the former can identify mushrooms on sight, the latter can eat and sustain themselves off of the poisonous ones. As such, jorougumo have been traditionally given scouting, scavenging, reconnaissance, and other exploratory roles.
A jorougumo's height is measured from the tip of their legs to the top of their head when at rest, with legs partially bent and not fully extended. The abdomen and thorax spider half's underside must not be touching the ground, as that would be considered a sitting position. Their average height is around 4 feet 9 inches. The length is measured from the hips to the tip of the abdomen, and the average length of a jorougumo is approximately 4 feet. Jorougumo have an average weight of approximately 160 pounds, although this may vary greatly between individuals.
Their unique appearance may trigger arachnophobia, and is generally considered frightening by many. Though it can have its advantages (usually to scare away certain creatures, and even certain hostile sapients), it also means that jorougumo are more feared than liked, and tend to possess few friends outside of their own species, even among other youkai. In a fit of twisted irony, certain jorougumo have been observed to have arachnophobia as well, resulting in desperate fear of their own kind and their own bodies in turn. This phenomenon is completely unexplained and poorly understood.
Bureaucrat, administrator