
History of the Mazes

19,515 bytes added, 15:17, 10 August 2020
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** [[Beadsor]] is assigned coverage of the Southern and Western Zones.
** [[Murberry]] is assigned coverage of the Northern and Northwestern Zones.
* '''E7-417, Heptima: Project Psyker, phase 1:''' The Theoretical Physics Science Team of [[Roazon]] announces the beginning of Project Psyker.
** The project was notable for its staff, largely made up of the descendants of those responsible for the earlier Project Mana. They were also famous for their disregard of many ethical and scientific procedures, adopting a sort of "results at all costs" attitude towards their research. Other scientists criticized the project members for "acting like gods" and more generally for their unsafe and unethical behavior.
** The initial objective of Project Psyker was researching psychics and psionic powers, starting with the mass abduction of several [[satori]] to be observed and experimented upon. Ultimately, the objective shifted, and became a mirror to that of Project Mana; isolating the origin of psionic these powers and finding a way to extract them and implement them into a [[human]] body, to form forming a new subspecies , just as Project Mana resulted in the birth of [[halflings]] and [[magicians]].* '''E7-418: Project Psyker, phase 2:''' The first humans with psionic powers, hereon known as psionics, are created in the Roazon labs. Because they are capable of using these powers in an offensive manner, being able to hurt and even kill living beings with them, they were dubbed [[psionic fighter|psionic fighters]].* (WIP: End * The team in charge of the project begins splitting away from the wider Theoretical Physics Science Team, referring to themselves as Team Psyker. Rumors of plans to use the fruits of Project Lambda)Psyker for unspecified, sinister purposes are widely circulated within the Scientific Community. Team Psyker is warned to stay in line with the community and improve ethics, or face consequences. The demands are largely ignored.* (WIP'''E7-419, Pentema: Joint Eastern Coverage Treaty)Project Psyker phase 3 and the Roazon Catastrophe:''' All communications with the town of [[Roazon]] brutally ceased during the month of Pentema. Traders and caravans reaching the town found it completely abandoned and littered with dead bodies. The [[Maze Police]] is called to conduct an investigation; the town is quickly referred to as Ghost Town Roazon.* (WIP: Project * Extensive police investigations reveal that Team Psyker kept satori and its aftermathpsionics in captivity, under abject, farm-like conditions. The situation reached a breaking point after an unspecified atrocity (detectives suggested that it could have been rapes or tortures, but there was no definite proof), after which the captives organized a breakout, murdered most of the team members and took their weapons in order to raid the town of supplies with which to make an escape. The town population, hearing of the existence of these new monsters that could kill with mere thoughts, thought it more prudent to leave rather than fight them, and escaped the town en masse.* (WIP: New * The first psionics were first sighted by the general population later that year, and the world became aware of their existence by E7-420. Those few that were interviewed were reluctant to share any details or information about their origins, simply wishing to be left in peace. They have since become UA natives, forming small, hidden communities in a manner similar to [[magician|magicians]].** 90$ of the Theoretical Physics Science Team, including the entirety of Team Psyker, had been murdered in the incident. The remaining 10% went missing. Effectively and single-handedly disbanded, with their town and associated lab now abandoned and full of bodies, the Scientific Community announced their intention to completely abandon the town of Roazon and to build a new lab in another, less remote town.** Many assets, including most of Project Lambda's research, are believed to still be locked away somewhere in Roazon's abandoned lab.* '''E7-420 ; E7-429:''' The Scientific Community announces the construction of a new Theoretical Physics laboratory in [[Ferland Sector]]. The Theoretical Physics Science Team is re-activated, with completely new personnel. The lab is completed nine years later.* <span style="color:#000099">'''E7-404, Pentema 10'''</span>: Birth of Daiki Haraguchi (male [[kappa]]), prominent member of the [[Youkai Nation]] and the Mind's Eye Task Force.* <span style="color:#000099">'''E7-444414, Quartema 4'''</span>: Birth of Satoshi Sangi(male [[satori]]), current leader of the [[Youkai Nation]]and the Mind's Eye Task Force. His birthdate, 444/4/4, is considered to be [ extremely unlucky]. He was symbolically given 4 days to live.* <span style="color:#000099">'''E7-415, Octama 18'''</span>: Birth of Sayu Tawara (female [[oni]]), prominent member of the [[Youkai Nation]] and the Mind's Eye Task Force.* <span style="color:#000099">'''E7-432, Nonama 16'''</span>: Birth of Yuriko Hirota (female [[kitsune]]), prominent member of the other [[Youkai Nation]] and the Mind's Eye Task Force .* '''E7-450:''' Satoshi Sangi is elected mayor of [[Yurai]] with 77% of the votes, on a campaign promising the unification and strengthening of the youkai people and communities. He gains the nickname of ''"Black-Eye"'', after the color of his third eye.* '''E7-454, Prima 1: Birth of the Youkai Nation:''' During the New Year celebrations, [[Satoshi Sangi|Satoshi "Black-Eye" Sangi]] declared in a televised announcement, the entirety of the towns with a majority youkai population, as well as all Intersections and roads in between, to be part of a new, separate country known as the [[Youkai Nation]]. The territory encompasses the totality of the Northeastern Zone, plus the towns of [[Aosaidan]] and [[Masatomo]].** The stated purpose of the Youkai Nation is to be a self-sufficient, safe and prospering country made by youkai, for youkai, with no interference from human-dominated factions and interests, and with its own [[activist fighter|defense force]]. Sangi then extended an invitation to all youkai in the Mazes to join the Youkai Nation and help build what he referred to as "our country". The announcement ended with a warning not to challenge the independence and legitimacy of the Youkai Nation; any such acts would be treated as an act of war.** The [[Maze Military]] and the [[Maze Police]] condemned the announcement, refusing to recognize the Nation as legitimate and seeing it as an unsafe, subversive decision that will only make the world unsafe and prevent them from doing their jobs in the Northeastern Zone.* '''E7-454, Prima 7:''' The Mind's Eye Task Force is established. It is composed of Sangi, his three trusted lieutenants (Haraguchi, Tawara, and Hirota), and a small team of highly-skilled youkai activists.* '''E7-454, Hexema 1:''' In response to the announcement, the Military mobilizes all of its forces and enters a state of high alert, preparing themselves for war. Colonel Mark Phasma, the leader of the Military at the time, treated the announcement as a declaration of war, and intends to strike the Youkai Nation's capital, [[Yurai]], in what he described as a "surgical strike intended to demoralize the enemy activists". This plan is dubbed ''Operation Needle Poke''.* '''E7-455, Prima 16: Operation Needle Poke:''' The First Company, led by Captain Francis Donahue, moves out towards Yurai to invade the town and demand the unconditional surrender and disarmament of the Youkai Nation's armed forces.** The Military initially encounters only very light resistance, quickly neutralizing Town Security and starting to search through the town's shops and outlets. Midway into the search operation, the town's power is cut, and activist fighters began pouring out of the facilities that hadn't yet been searched, armed with [[NVGs]] and [[Weaponlights|weaponlights]], mounting a surprise counter-attack in the dark. The resulting confusion entrenched the soldiers in one half of the town, while the activists held the other; both sides locked in a stalemate and desperately waiting for reinforcements.** A panicked radio call informed Captain Donahue that the expected reinforcements from the other companies were unexpectedly routed by swarms of activists and that roughly 400 activists are coming to the aid of Yurai. Faced with an impossible situation, Captain Donahue refused to order a retreat, relinquished leadership to one of his lieutenants, and committed suicide. The new commanding officer, Lieutenant Halder, quickly retreated alongside his surviving forces without casualties.* '''E7-455, Duplima 4:''' To honor the memory of the fallen during Operation Needle Poke, a memorial was erected in all of the Military towns at the time. The ''Military Memorial Day'' was also established to honor the memory of all soldiers KIA and MIA and is now observed yearly on Duplima 4 by all membersof the Military.* '''E7-456: Operation Blood Banner:''' A group of human and halfling settlers looking to found a new town in the Northeastern Zone was intercepted and gunned down by youkai activist forces, resulting in 83 casualties and the entirety of the caravan looted to the last bag. The official reason given was "trespassing in the Nation's territory and association with the Military." It is believed that the settlers were not given a chance to turn back. The act is widely perceived as a reprisal for last year's invasion of Yurai. The Military responded with a confirmation that the war is not over yet.* '''E7-471 ; E7-531:''' The Phasma family successfully leads the Military for 3 generations, intending to create a sort of "dynasty" to continue the war effort against the Youkai Nation.** E7-450 ; E7-470: Colonel Mark Phasma** E7-470 ; E7-504: Colonel Blaine Phasma** E7-504 ; E7-531: Colonel Morgan Phasma* <span style="color:#009900">'''E7-492:'''</span> [[Ovis City]] is founded.* <span style="color:#990000">'''E7-531, Nonama 21: Operation Red Temple:'''</span> The Youkai Nation's elite group, the Mind's Eye Cell, plans Operation Red Temple, intending to assassinate Morgan Phasma and his son Gerald (then a Captain, leader of the Fourth Company), to break up the dynasty and force changes within the Military's leadership. With the aid of human mercenaries providing intelligence to the cell, the activists split into two teams, one for each target, the intended plan was for each team to assassinate their targets at the same time.* * Captain Gerald Phasma was assassinated in Ovis City, inside of the convenience store. His body was found alongside that of the shop manager, both of which were shot in the head with a powerful, suppressed firearm. The perpetrators were a male kappa and a female oni. They were later revealed to be respectively [[Daiki Haraguchi]] and [[Sayu Tawara]], members of the Mind's Eye cell, and two of Satoshi Sangi's trusted lieutenants. ** Colonel Morgan Phasma was lured out of Fort Cutlass and into Neo Khazrun through a telephone scam. Once the Colonel was at the intended location, the plan was to assassinate him and use the crowd to escape before being noticed. However, the activist fighters were spotted by the Colonel's security detail, and the assassination plot turned into a very brief gun battle in the middle of the town's social square center. The Colonel sustained eight gunshot wounds, and the panic caused the Town Security to open fire on both the youkai assassins (WIPwhich later turned out to be Satoshi Sangi himself, alongside his third trusted lieutenant, female kitsune [[Yuriko Hirota]].) Although the Town Security officers failed to hit the Colonel, the brief confusion allowed the youkai activists to flee, and the Colonel to bleed out and die of his wounds.* '''E7-531, Nonama 28: Later events''' Following a week of official grieving, the Military selected Donald Weil of the Fourth Company as their new Colonel. At the age of 38, Weil became the youngest Captain to be promoted to the Military's leadership. Unfortunately for the Youkai Nation, Weil was just as hardline, if not more so than the Phasma family was. Rather than initiate talks and thaw human-youkai relations, Colonel Weil instigates what became known as the ''Weil era'' of the Military.* '''E7-531 ; E7-580: The "Weil era".''' This period was famous both for the increased amount of hardliner, anti-youkai rhetoric, and for its lack of major conflicts with youkai activists.** Weil established the '''Special Neo Khazrun Platoon''', a special unit composed of two squads worth of soldiers (20 Privates and 2 Sergeants), whose task was to aid and assist Neo Khazrun Town Security and strengthen the security at the front gate. The town's inhabitants received the extra security well, considering the soldiers' presence to be beneficial. Originally intended to be stationed in Neo Khazrun for just 4 years, the Special Platoon was so well-received and so popular, it remained active for nearly 50 years instead, until the end of the Weil era in 580.** A memorial to Colonel Morgan Phasma was erected in the Neo Khazrun mall, which still stands today.** Rather than launch grand military operations directly against the towns under the Youkai Nation's control, Weil changed tactics and attempted an attack on their economy. Soldiers on patrol in the Northern, Eastern, and Central Zones were now tasked with arresting caravans, couriers, and other tradespeople traveling to and from youkai towns, ordering them to pay a "security tax" or face lethal force. Weil's objective was to attack the Youkai Nation's economy. In response, these caravans began hiring mercenaries and activist fighters to protect the cargo.** Weil was strongly against the Twinleaf Movement, which he viewed as subversive and encouraging terrorism. Pro-military media, such as books, songs, TV shows, movies, advertisements, and other propaganda were spread across neutral towns, encouraging the human population to embrace their humanity, support the Military, and be wary of suspicious activities by non-humans. For a time, an "activist hotline" was opened, encouraging random citizens to call the number and inform the Military if they believed having seen people working with activist fighters.* <span style="color:#990000">'''E7-580, Decima 12:'''</span> Colonel Donald Weil dies of old age, leaving the legacy of a hardline protector who used his faction's influence more than combat strength to keep the peace.* '''E7-581:''' Captain Carl Lembo of the Second Company is selected as Weil's successor, becoming the new Colonel.** Under Lembo's leadership, the Military became noticeably less aggressive, ceasing the harassment campaigns against youkai caravans, softening the message in Military merch and propaganda, and promising a "return to form" in the form of increased monster-hunting and critter destroying operations. Human-youkai relations thaw once again. === Recent history === * <span style="color:#990000">'''E7-619, Quartema 1:'''</span> Death of Colonel Carl Lembo.* '''E7-619, Quartema 16:''' Captain Ethan Humbra of the Sixth Company is selected as Colonel Lembo's successor, becoming the new leader of the Military.* '''E7-624, Octama 10:''' Vending machines are introduced into the Mazes, selling various items such as food, ammunition, and other knick-knacks.* '''E7-625, Triema 14:''' After a seemingly unending wave of vandalism, theft, and property damage, vending machine production ceases and almost all existing models are abandoned. They have not been reintroduced since.* <span style="color:#000099">'''E7-626, Prima 12'''</span>: Birth of [[Thomas Wight]], current leader of the [[Maze Military]].* '''E7-632:''' The Scientific Community develops wearable defibrillators, releasing the first version of the [[LifeVest]].* '''E7-643:''' Thomas Wight, age 18, joins the Maze Military and aces every single training exercise. For his outstanding, record-setting performance, Wight is offered the choice of choosing his home company instead of being assigned one. Wight specifically requests to be part of the 1st Company, 1st Platoon, 1st Squad, affirming his objective of becoming "the number one soldier". His request is granted and he is welcomed into the 1-1-1 by his new squadleader, Sergeant Zachary Geist.* <span style="color:#000099">'''E7-645, Pentema 15'''</span>: Birth of [[Len Hargrave]], current leader of the [[Maze Police]].* <span style="color:#000099">'''E7-658, Decima 13'''</span>: Birth of [[Michael Yatela]], current leader of the [[Yatela Crime Syndicate]].* <span style="color:#000099">'''E7-666, Penultima 11'''</span>: Birth of [[Minik Argentum]], current leader of the [[Guild of Silver Larceners]].* '''E7-693:''' Michael Yatela becomes the new Don of the Yatela Crime Syndicate.* '''E7-694 ; E7-696: Operation Toss The Pineapple:''' The Yatela Crime Syndicate launches a campaign for the control of the redlight industry of the Mazes, gaining control of the largest network of [[escort|escorts]] in the world.** Youkai escort groups are brutally repressed and forced to either quit or hide their activities. The name of the operation comes from a derogatory term used to refer to youkai escorts, seen as stereotypically exotic, like a pineapple.* <span style="color:#990000">'''E7-670, Prima 18:'''</span> Colonel Ethan Humbra passes away, at the exceptionally advanced age of 94. Zachary Geist, now aged 39 and Captain of the 1st Company, is selected to become the new Colonel. Thomas Wight succeeds to him and becomes the new Captain of the 1st Company.* '''E7-670, Duplima 18:''' While leading a small group of soldiers on a training exercise in the Northern Zone, Captain Thomas Wight is ambushed by a large group of activist fighters looking for a fight.** Unsuccessful in his attempt to negotiate his group's departure, one side opened fire on the other, triggering a huge gunfight. Despite being outnumbered four to one, Captain Wight ordered his forces to fall in and fight, but a flashbang grenade detonating inches away from his head caused the Captain to go down, missing most of the fight. The flashbang left the famous burns and wounds to the right side of his head.** When he comes to his senses again, he finds the bodies of his subordinates littering the floor, being stripped of their every last clothes and gear by two remaining activists. The sight reportedly filled Wight with indescribable rage. Having lost all his weapons besides his [[KA-BAR|knife]], Wight charged the two activists with it, and proceeded to eliminate both of them before they could land a shot on him. He then desperately searched all of the bodies for signs of life to try and find a survivor, but finds only one; Lieutenant Lewis Dunbar, Wight's best friend, and oldest colleague. These events are widely considered to be the reason behind Wight's hardline anti-youkai stance.* '''E7-671:''' Colonel Zachary Geist, last seen in the Central Zone leaving Neo Khazrun for [[Nanton]], mysteriously disappears. Considered MIA and presumed dead, the Military decides to elect a new leader. Captain Wight of the 1st Company is selected, and becomes the new Colonel, returning the Military to a hardline anti-youkai stance.* '''E7-671 ; E7-677: Great Military Reform:''' Colonel Wight introduces the Great Reform, instigating several changes over a period of 7 years.** Inspired by Wight's own training ethos and personal career, Wight increases the training standards for new recruits, pushing for efficiency and accuracy, and encouraging competition between soldiers at all levels.** The Military is now separated into two branches; the Regular Forces, and the new elite branch, the Phantom Forces, composed of four companies worth of the best-performing soldiers and new recruits.** <span style="color:#009900">'''E7-677:'''</span> The towns of [[Fort Phantom]], [[Outpost Trion]], [[Station Lasker]] and [[Camp Huntsman]] are founded to give the newly established Phantom Forces new homes.** Lewis Dunbar is promoted to the rank Captain, and placed in charge of the Phantom Forces 1st Company.** Fort Cutlass is renamed to [[Fort Wight]], and the two companies assigned to its defense become known as '''Wight's Elite Battalion'''. They are retrained to Phantom Forces standards and given Phantom Forces uniforms.** The size of the Military is dramatically increased, from 6 companies to 12, and is given its current organization of 6 RF companies, 4 PF companies, and the remaining two companies forming Wight's Elite Battalion.** "Harassment patrols" of the Weil era are re-established, and although soldiers are explicitly told to avoid entering the Northeastern Zone, they are once again tasked with searching for activist groups, caravans, couriers, and other people affiliated or protected by activist fighters, and to engage in combat with them on sight.* '''E7-698:''' Chief Len Hargrave of Citadel Lambeth becomes the new Maze Sheriff.* '''E7-701:''' A serial killer in [[Viris Area]] murders 7, leaving their disemboweled bodies on display in the middle of the social square center. The perpetrator, nicknamed ''the Viris Butcher'' by the press, was not identified by the Police and is believed to be on the run.
Bureaucrat, administrator