
Chat rules

374 bytes added, 12:12, 8 October 2019
*'''#4:''' It is '''absolutely forbidden''' to abuse any of our services (Discord server, wiki, bots, etc.) for any behavior resembling any of the following: '''Evasion of staff decisions, commercial or religious solicitation ("spam"), sharing of private information (see below), or any other unsolicited behavior. '''
** In particular, we have a '''zero tolerance for the sharing of private personal information''', for any reason whatsoever, unless under two specific exemptions: it's yours, or it's publicly available (and only then, if doing so wouldn't break our rules or Discord TOS).
** '''Do not air your dirty laundry'''. We don't want to hear about your problems in other servers with people that are not part of our community. Please do not share chatlogs from other servers or private discussions, with the intention of insulting, slandering, or otherwise causing trouble. If you absolutely must post a chat log to illustrate a point, censor the names.
*'''#5:''' Each of our channels has a specific purpose; please try to keep relevant activity on their respective channels. In particular:
Bureaucrat, administrator