

90 bytes added, 08:41, 3 July 2020
Certain creatures in the Mazes are the result of past scientific experiments that have, for one reason or another, either gone wrong or been released into the Uncivilized Area, where they proceeded to "go native" and become one of the many species of creatures inhabiting the UA.
Oozemen are freakish creatures, half-[[human]] and half-[[green ooze]]blob. Of their human bodies only remains a head (composed of the skull, the brain, eyes, and teeth) and the bones of their hands.
The layer of ooze that covers the remaining human body parts seems to act as that creature's "skin"and is identical to that of a [[yellow blob]] other than green coloration. It is not fully understood how, but the ooze blob half seems to possess a nervous connection with the brain, and it can heal and regenerate any damage that the head and hands sustain, even to the brain. It is believed that the ooze blob core is the creature's true central nervous system and that the brain fulfills little actual purpose.
Scarily, oozemen appear to understand spoken language. Although they cannot speak or make any kind of vocalized noises (they lack vocal cords), they frequently and very expressively emote laughing, smiling and sneering expressions. With the gooey layer of ooze blob that covers themdripping over their faces, it gives them a grotesque and evil appearance, and it seems that these creatures are fully aware of their freakish, horror movie-like appearance, as they enjoy terrifying sapients.
However, they enjoy more than simply giving travelers and adventurers a big scare. These creatures are hostile and dangerous, possessing a small selection of techniques with which they can attack and absorb creatures. Their ''acid bite'' is an improved version of the [[green blob]]'s, using the human head's actual teeth to deliver the bite, which causes significantly more damage. They can also perform a special kind of ''acid spit'', where they will fling a glob of their own body through their mouth, aiming at targets to cover them in acid, effectively "sliming" them. This technique is more rarely used, however, as it involves losing small bits of themselves, but is an effective surprise tactic. But by far their most iconic ability is the ''Oozepunch'', which uses their bony fists as striking weapons. The oozeman will rapidly extend their body in order to give their fists a surface to "surf" on and reach targets with. The oozepunch's range seems to depend on the size of the oozeman's body; if it is too small from damage, it will only function as a close-combat ability.
Bureaucrat, administrator