

1 byte removed, 01:05, 10 July 2020
Kasha are one of a number of [[youkai]] species. They resemble [[catpeople]], possessing feline ears and tails, but with a key differencesdifference: kasha possess two tails instead of just one (though they still count as one limb for limb damage calculation). In youkai legends, two-tailed cats were said to be protective deities taking animal shapes, and kasha are said to be descended from these deities.
The rest of a kasha's body is overall very similar to that of a feline halfling, with feline ears, slitted eyes, pointed fangs, and retractable claws in lieu of nails, on both hands and feet. The claws of a kasha are notoriously long (about 2 inches long) and sharp, and are so useful for cutting through skin and flesh that kasha prefer them to using a knife or a blade. The feline ears and tails are almost always dark-colored, typically black or very dark brown. In contrast, their hair is always some type of fiery color, ranging from bright blonde to dark red, and everything in between. Kasha eyes are typically hazel, amber, or red.
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