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The jorougumo's humanoid half appears indistinguishable from that of a human at first glance, but closer observation reveals certain unique details. Their upper canine teeth are replaced by folding appendages reminiscent of the fangs of certain spider species. These fangs can deliver venom, which lets the jorougumo perform ''poison bites''. Their eyes feature unique triple irises; one is a normal-sized iris at the center of the pupil, like a regular human eye, the other two are smaller irises, conjoined with the central iris, resembling an upside down mouse's head. The skin of a jorougumo's humanoid half is usually shades of very light to pale, though interestingly, no jorougumo has ever been observed with albino white skin.
Although ''jorougumo'' literally translates to "woman spider", and despite incorrectly-held beliefs and urban legends claiming otherwise, jorougumo are not an all-female species, and the ; their sex distribution of this species is roughly 50/50, like most creatures in the Mazes.
In lieu of humanoid legs, the jorougumo possesses an arachnid half, in such a configuration that the humanoid half is placed onto where the thorax would be. The arachnid half is usually shades of brown, sometimes black, and covered in light patches of black hair, reminiscent of [ recluse spiders]. It possesses 8 legs and an abdomen, but lacks spinnerets, and indeed the ability to fabricate silk or spider webs. Instead, the tips of each leg secrete a glue-like substance which helps them grip onto any surface, and allow them to walk, run, hop over short distances, and generally traverse any kind of terrain. With sufficient agility, a jorougumo can "wall-run" over very short distances, with all eight legs running briefly on a vertical surface. Some have claimed the ability to stand or even walk upside down, on the ceiling, but these are exaggerated claims with no basis in reality.
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