
Chat rules

340 bytes added, 03:16, 11 April 2021
**'''3b. Anger is not justification.''' Acts of overt negativity, outrage, or impotent rage, no matter how justified, are not acceptable. Just because you don't like the current subject doesn't mean the subject is necessarily against the rules. If you believe someone is breaking the rules, tell the mods about it and let them handle it.
**'''3c. Do not display your dirty laundry'''. We don't want to hear about your problems in other servers with people that are not part of our community. Please do not share chatlogs from other servers or private discussions, with the intention of insulting, slandering, or otherwise causing trouble. If you absolutely must post a chat log to illustrate a point, censor the names.
**'''3d. Our server is not a venting soapbox'''. While we don't mind anyone discussing most subjects within reason, we do not need hundreds of posts about every last detail of your personal or intimate life. If it stops being a discussion and if it starts looking like a huge vent, you must stop. If you must vent to someone, do it in DMs.
**Note: The channel '''#gun_shop''' exists specifically to talk about the matters of law, legislation, personal defense, and other serious IRL gun topics - if you wish to discuss these subjects, you may go there, as long as you mind the other rules.
Bureaucrat, administrator