
Basic mechanics

4 bytes removed, 19:48, 18 May 2019
''"Time" redirects here.''
A typical MazeWorld session focuses on small groups of one or more player characters, living moment to moment, room to room, throughout their adventures. It is customary, but not strictly necessary, to keep track of the in-game clock, and give an idea of how many days the characters have survived. The exact time of the day is generally unimportant, as most shops and businesses in the Mazes are open 24/7. At the minimum, the GM should tell the players what the current time period of the day is, but it is generally not necessary (though possible, see advanced tip below) to keep track of exact hours and minutes.
Just like in the real world, one day is made up of 24 hours, one hour is 60 minutes, and one minute is 60 seconds. But since it is a world that is for the most part 'inside', inhabitants of the Mazes regard terms like "sunrise" and "sunset" as unusual and archaic.
Bureaucrat, administrator