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Navigation: Main Page Creatures Occupations Scientist

Unknown creature.png
Disposition Neutral
Can be found in the UA? Yes box.png
This occupation is open to:
Human icon.png Yes box.png
Halfling icon.png Yes box.png
Youkai icon.png Yes box.png

A scientist is a worker specialized in the studies and application of a field of science.


Clothing and armor

  • Top: Shirt with tie
  • Body armor: Lab coat
  • Bottom: Regular pants or Formal skirt (individual preference)
  • Footwear: Regular shoes or Flat shoes (individual preference)

Load-bearing equipment

Equipment and inventory

Equipped weapons:


Other information

Skills: Species' natural skills + the following:

  • Combat skills: Basic (Semi-auto rifle, Automatic rifle)


This article or section contains lore-related information.
Though not strictly necessary for playing the game, you are encouraged to read this section if you wish to have a better understanding of the game's universe.

A scientist is a member of the Scientific Community belonging to any Science Team other than Medical.

The role and duties of a scientist vary greatly depending on their field; please see the Scientific Community page for more information.