Hiring Bureau

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The Hiring Bureau is a facility handling and assigning job requests and applications. This facility is managed by a single person, the Hirer, which processes all job requests for a particular community. In towns, the Hirer is appointed directly by the Mayor. In intersections, they are appointed by the InterSec Chief instead but are considered of roughly equal importance.

Functionally, the Hiring Bureau may be treated as the Maze equivalent of an adventuring guild; in that independent contractors and mercenaries may take jobs frequently from requests posted at the Bureau. It also fulfills the role of an employment agency, matching potential employers and employees together. Visiting the local Hiring Bureau is the recommended first step towards employment for all inhabitants, whether contractual or long-term.

Visitors looking for contracts, one-time jobs and similar gigs may use one of the public-use computers, whereas guidance and long-term employment are handled by visiting the Hirer's office.

It is an essential facility; one is guaranteed in each town and intersection in the Mazes.


Every town and intersection in the Mazes possesses a Hiring Bureau. The ones in Roazon and Fort Silver are abandoned.


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  • Personnel: None but frequently visited by the Hirer and visitors
  • Furniture: Rows of desks, computers and chairs, sofas, bookshelves, potted plants
  • Cover:
    • All sides: None

Hirer's office

  • Personnel: Citizen (Hirer)
  • Furniture: Desk, chair, computer, file cabinets, potted plants
  • Cover:
    • Side 4: Desk (36 health, A1)

Job types

More information: Hiring Bureau jobs

Tips for Game Masters
If your players are looking for jobs to do, they should be pointed towards the Hiring Bureau! This facility is a great starting place to get player characters matched with employers, jobs, or situations of any kind.