XM42 reload pack

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Name Weight Fuel type Capacity Shop value
XM42 0.45 gal tank, light fuel 5 units Light fuel (gasoline-diesel mix) 30 seconds Parallar symbol.png200
XM42 0.90 gal tank, light fuel 9 units Light fuel (gasoline-diesel mix) 60 seconds Parallar symbol.png400
XM42 backpack tank (3 gal), light fuel 14 units Light fuel (gasoline-diesel mix) 200 seconds Parallar symbol.png1000


1 second of flamethrower fire can be thought of as '1 shot'. The table below represents the amount of damage dealt for one shot.

Light fuel

Damage type LDV Pain (C1) Pain (C2) Pain (A1) Pain (A2) Pain (A3) Pain (A4) Pain (A5)
Spec-Fire +2 20% 20% 18% 16% 14% 12% 10%

Other information

  • When equipped with the XM42 backpack tank (3 gal), the ION XM42-M becomes a heavy flamethrower, and the tank may either be carried in the inventory, or in a Primary weapon slot. The base initiative speed of the weapon does not change (it remains 18).
Last modified on 10 April 2020, at 12:19