
Task Force "Mind's Eye"

12 bytes added, 14:24, 20 August 2020
Yuriko Hirota's popular image is that of a perpetually-smiling optimist and a dreaming idealist, simply working her hardest "for the cause" and wishing for the best.
As is typical of most [[kitsune]], Hirota is a skilled orator and conversationalist. Almost fanatically devoted, she never hesitates to deploy all of her skills, natural and learned, at the service of the Youkai Nation. She frequently expressed that her "one love" is for "the [youkai] people", believing the youkai race to be "divinely chosen" and destined to be "one day become the masters of the Mazes". Her displays of opinion, have frequently earned her criticism, with many accusing her of lacking objectivity, glorifying the Nation at all costs, and in some cases, accusing her of naked bigotry against non-youkai. Adding to the criticisms rather than try to deny them, Hirota is known for making a game out of mocking her critics and detractors, often implying that they are 'pro-Military shills' or 'non-believers'.
As one of the most famous figures from the Youkai Nation, Hirota is known to greatly enjoy the fame and attention, viewing them as opportunities to see and be seen by many. She considers that being recognized by nearly anyone in the world to be one of the most gratifying elements of her life, as it allows her to "spread the message" and be viewed as legitimate.
Bureaucrat, administrator