
Character creation

111 bytes added, 18:25, 15 May 2019
/* Party size considerations */
As such, one of the first questions you need to ask yourselves is this: "How many PCs will there be in the party? Will there be one? Two? Three? Four?"
I do not recommend party sizes over four. In fact, I caution GMs intending to be careful run sessions with groups a party size larger than two and to 2 must be careful not be too generous with equipment and rewards (or , and to increase adjust the difficulty of their campaigns accordingly). There is strength in numbers, and it is at its truest with a group of player characters. A single kitted-out PC One or two highly skilled PCs with good gear and weapons is are a force to be reckoned with. Two, three, Three or four? They such characters may well be close to unstoppable. For all of the reasons cited above, party sizes over 4 are not recommended at all, out of practicality concerns.
= The concept =
Bureaucrat, administrator