

1 byte added, 03:47, 11 May 2019
/* About MazeWorld */
* The '''Maze Police''' was established to be the 'interior threat' counterpart to the Military; they created a standard set of laws and rules, unimaginatively known as Standard Law. All towns have the possibility to request coverage and protection from the Maze Police; to get the Police's protection, security, and processing of wrongdoers and lawbreakers, all they have to do is agree to implement Standard Law into their communities. Not all communities have agreed to do so (they are referred to as independent towns), and certain openly wage war on these rules...
* ...particularly the '''Yatela Crime Family''', the biggest organized crime group in the Mazes. So powerful and influent, that they are synonymous with all but the most petty of crimes, and why when one thinks of an '''Outlaw''', they think of a Yatela crime family member. Sharply (- if stereotypically) - dressed , and in control of several communities, where only their authority and iron fist mattersmatter, they are not only opposed to Standard Law, but to anything that may be a threat to their activities, legal or less legal; prostitution, pornography, racketeering, extortion, theft and black markets, murder, contract killing...
* On the matters of faith and religion, the '''Angelics''' (and the entity under which they are organized: '''Heaven, Ltd''') and the '''Demonics''' ('''Hell, Inc.''') are fiercely opposed, each having their own ideas and sets of values with which to influence the people of the Mazes (as well as their own collection of creatures and reasons to wage war to one another.) The Angelics preach for values such as loyalty, moderation, chastity, order, and general virtues, whereas the Demonics insist that natural urges, sexual freedom, greed, and competition are not only normal, but the only valid way to live one's life.
Bureaucrat, administrator