STANAG magazines

Navigation: Main Page Weapon accessories List of magazines STANAG magazines

Name Weight Size tier Shop value
STANAG 10-round magazine 0.5 units Small Parallar symbol.png70
STANAG 20-round magazine 1 unit Medium Parallar symbol.png85
STANAG 30-round magazine 1 unit Medium Parallar symbol.png100
STANAG 40-round extended magazine 1.5 units Large Parallar symbol.png125
STANAG 50-round drum magazine 2 units Very Large Parallar symbol.png250
STANAG 60-round casket magazine 2 units Very Large Parallar symbol.png290
STANAG 100-round C-MAG drum 3 units Xtra Large Parallar symbol.png600

Other information

  • Certain weapons may not be compatible with all STANAG magazines. Weapons with incompatibilities:
  • The 100-round C-MAG drum increases the weight of the equipped weapon by 1 tier.
Last modified on 15 November 2021, at 01:38