

5 bytes added, 13:40, 27 December 2019
|tiptext=If all player characters reached PBThave blacked out, but did not die and are no longer in danger for whatever reason, they will be rendered helpless and unable to do anything. What happens to these characters is a matter of GM discretion, but the typical recommendation is to have them wake up somewhere safe (a hospital, etc.) sometime later, but with missing money and/or inventory. The explanation as to why is also a matter of GM discretion - maybe they were looted by their enemies, maybe the person that dragged them to safety helped themselves to a payment... It's up to you to decide.<br/><br/>If the situation calls for it, don't hesitate to have these characters wake up captured or imprisoned. If you must threaten the player characters with death for blacking out, make sure your players are well aware ahead of time that there will be no mercy.
[[Category:Game mechanics]]
Bureaucrat, administrator