Official Discord bots

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We operate two official bots for playing MazeWorld: SnakeEyes, a dice rolling bot, and Tsuchinoko, a random item dispenser bot.


SnakeEyes (beta names PrisuDice or PriusBot) is the name of the official MazeWorld dice rolling bot. Following the demise of Sidekick on February 13, 2021, we needed a replacement dice bot. Unfortunately, none of the popular dice rollers available on Discord bot list websites could produce the level of functionality we needed... Until one of our members, Space Prius, rose to the challenge.

Akin to a light shining in the darkness, answering the call of battle against the evil forces of poorly-coded bots, she produced and uploaded PrisuDice, the first beta version, within two hours of us finding out that Sidekick was down for good.

PrisuDice was given an official profile picture and a new name, SnakeEyes. Since February 17, 2021, SnakeEyes now resides alongside Tsuchinoko and is now permanently online. The bot is being maintained by The Moth Court (themothcourt on Discord) as a replacement for ArtemGr's Sidekick.

Adding SnakeEyes to your server

If you wish to invite SnakeEyes to your server, please use this link.


Up to date for version 0.4.2

  • Basic rolling: /r xdy or /roll xdy. Your typical basic dice rolling command which rolls xdy. Replace x with number of dice and y with number of faces per dice. SnakeEyes will return the individual results of each die.
  • Repeat rolls: /rr n xdy. Repeat rolls. Rolls xdy n times and displays the results for each die.
  • Math operators: You can do additions +, substractions -, multiplications *, divisions /, and use parentheses () with pure numbers and standard dice notation.
    • Multiple math operators in a single operation are supported for pure math, but not for successes.
  • Success check: Using the operator > or <, you can roll xdy>n or xdy<n. SnakeEyes will count the number of successes depending on the operator selected.
  • Exploding dice check: Same as the success check, but with the x operator instead. For every success, SnakeEyes rolls one more die. When it has no more dice to roll, the results are tallied together.
    • Only works when rolling singular dice (must be 1dyxn)
  • Drop lowest: Works as basic dice rolling, but add dlx, where x is the number of dice to remove. The command will remove the x dice with the lowest score.
    • Example: /r 3d8dl1 will remove 1 die with the lowest score. If it were to roll 4, 6, 7, SnakeEyes will remove the 4 and return 6, 7.
  • Drop highest: Works as basic dice rolling, but add dhx, where x is the number of dice to remove. The command will remove the x dice with the highest score.
    • Example: /r 4d8dh2 will remove 2 dice with the highest score. If it were to roll 3, 5, 7, 9, SnakeEyes will remove the 7 and 9 and return 3, 5.
  • Combat Dice: Type /r xcy, where x is the number of d6s to roll and y is a special value.
    • This function can be used to roll Combat Dice such as those found in Infinity RPG. This will only roll d6s, treating results of 1 and 2 as their respective values, dismissing 3, 4, and 5 (treated as 0), and counting a 6 as equal to the y number.
    • Example: If you roll /r 1c10 and roll a 6, it will be treated as a 10. If you roll /r 3c10 and get a 1, 4, and 6, the total is 11 (1 is counted as such, 4 is dismissed, and 6 is counted as 10).

Known SnakeEyes bugs

  • No known bugs at this time.

If you think you've spotted a bug or unexpected behavior, send a message to Tempest on Discord (username: sutempest).


Tsuchinoko (sometimes Tsuchi) is the name of the official MazeWorld item dispenser bot, which is essential for playing sessions of the game, as it contains many critical commands. This bot was made by, and is being maintained by Tempest, as a replacement (and a successor) to the previous HashiBot (IRC-Discord bridge) and IRC-based Servitor bot. Version 1 first went live on April 28, 2018, and has been iterated upon ever since.

Adding Tsuchinoko to your server

If you wish to invite Tsuchinoko to your server, please use this link.

Object line raw text

If you need to see a particular command's raw text (particularly if you need a list of object lines), please see this Google document.

List of commands

The full list of Tsuchinoko commands is as follows:

Help and assistance

  • &bothelp: If you need help, type this! Tsuchinoko will give you pointers and reminders of what she can do; you may have been redirected here already!
  • &invite: Displays this Discord invite link, which leads to the official MazeWorld server.
  • &wiki - MazeWorld wiki search function, available as a Discord command. Type "&wiki" followed by keywords, e.g. &wiki M16A1.

Advanced game commands

  • &accuracy: To use this command, you must type &accuracy X Y Z, replacing each with the following:
    • X must be a single number representing your character's FT (6 without modifiers)
    • Y must be a single number representing your character's IR (2 without modifiers)
    • Z may be a string of numbers (there must be at least one). The numbers can be separated by commas spaces between commas and numbers are allowed)
    • This command is to be used to sort and categorize attack rolls, in order to be able to tell at a glance how many hits (solid or accurate), misses, or criticals (hits or failures) have been rolled.
  • &coinflip: Simply type &coinflip and get either heads or tails. Features custom graphical elements.
  • &dealcard: Draw a single, random card from a standard 52-card deck of playing cards. You get a random card every time; it will not remember previous draws.
  • &sorter: To use this command, you must type &sorter followed by a string of numbers separated by commas (spaces between commas and numbers are allowed). The bot will re-arrange your string of numbers in ascending order. This command is to be used to sort dice rolls.
  • &injuries: To use this command, you must type &injuries followed by a string of numbers separated by commas (spaces between commas and numbers are allowed). Works similarly to &sorter, but will add together the numbers and calculate total Limb Damage and number of injuries. This command treats any negative values as equal to 0.

Game commands

  • &12st: Random projectile type for 12 gauge shotgun shells
  • &20st: Random projectile type for 20 gauge shotgun shells
  • &22bt: Random projectile type for .22 Long Rifle ammunition
  • &40mmCt: Random ammo type for 40mm Caseless grenade
  • &40mmNt: Random ammo type for 40mm NATO grenade
  • &43mmt: Random ammo type for 43mm grenade
  • &410st: Random projectile type for .410 bore ammunition
  • &ammo: Random ammunition generator
  • &ar-wpn: Random artifact weapon generator (generates one of the so-called "artifact" weapons)
  • &arrowt: Random projectile type for arrows.
  • &band: Generates a random band or musical act, along with genre and description
  • &bodyaim: Random body part selector, generally used for combat and limb damage
  • &book: Random book title generator
  • &boxlootM: Generates random loot for metal containers
  • &boxlootW: Generates random loot for wood containers
  • &boxtraps: Generates a random trap type for containers
  • &CAWSt: Random projectile type for 12 gauge CAWS shotgun shells
  • &c-blueprint: Generates a random crafting blueprint
  • &c-docs: Generates a random Specs Docs file
  • &c-item: Generates a random crafting ingredient
  • &c-toolkit: Generates a random toolkit
  • &co-item: Generates a random crafting-only item.
  • &coins: Random coin generator.
  • &color: Random color generator
  • &cover: Random cover generator
  • &crafting: Random crafting item generator
  • &crates: Random supply crate generator
  • &creature: Random creature generator.
  • &creature-T1: Random creature generator. Generates Threat Level 1 creatures only.
  • &creature-T2: Random creature generator. Generates Threat Level 2 creatures only.
  • &creature-T3: Random creature generator. Generates Threat Level 3 creatures only.
  • &creature-T4: Random creature generator. Generates Threat Level 4 creatures only.
  • &creature-T5: Random creature generator. Generates Threat Level 5 creatures only.
  • &creature-civ: Random creature generator. Generates civilized (human, halfling, youkai) creatures only.
  • &critfail: Generates random critical failure effects, used in combat
  • &crithit: Generates random critical success effects, used in combat
  • &custommag: Generates a random custom magazine or feeding device, as found for sale at Maze Customs.
  • &customs-minor: Generates a random Minor Customs Mod for one of the compatible firearms.
  • &data: Generates a random data storage device.
    • &data-floppy: Generates the contents of a random floppy disk.
    • &data-zip: Generates the contents of a random zip disk.
    • &data-memcard: Generates the contents of a random camera memory card.
    • &data-cd: Generates the contents of a random compact disc (CD).
    • &data-hdd: Generates the contents of a random hard disk drive (HDD).
  • &event-deep: Generates a random event on a Deep UA route.
  • &event-fast: Generates a random event on a Fast UA route.
  • &event-safe: Generates a random event on a Safe UA route.
  • &event-ca: Random Civilized Area event
  • &event-ua: Random Uncivilized Area event
  • &food: Random food item generator
  • &food-mre: Random ration generator
  • &food-r: Random restaurant-exclusive food item (excludes menu items that cannot be carried in the inventory)
  • &genbox: Random container generator
  • &graffiti: Generates a random graffiti
  • &handload: Random handloading item generator
  • &HL-case: Generates random casings
  • &HL-kit: Generates a random handloading kit
  • &HL-powder: Generates a random powder jar
  • &HL-primer: Generates random primers
  • &HL-proj: Generates random projectiles for handloading
  • &item-hallu: Generates a hallucinated object
  • &job: Roll a random Hiring Bureau job type, useful for filling a job board
    • &job-postal: Random postal work details
    • &job-courier: Random courier work details
    • &job-guard: Random bodyguarding job details
    • &job-pest: Random pest control job details
    • &job-bounty: Random bounty hunting job type (subcommands listed below)
      • &job-poi: Random Person of Interest generator for a bounty hunting job
      • &job-details-k: Random job details for a bounty hunting K-contract
      • &job-details-a: Random job details for a bounty hunting A-contract
      • &job-details-c: Random job details for a bounty hunting C-contract
      • &job-details-d: Random job details for a bounty hunting D-contract
      • &job-details-r: Random job details for a bounty hunting R-contract
    • &job-recon: Random reconnaissance work details
    • &job-proc: Random procurement work details
  • &keyitem: Random key item generator
  • &LBE: Random load-bearing equipment generator
  • &lboltt: Random projectile type for large bolts.
  • &loot: Random valuable generator
  • &marisa: Random mushroom generator
  • &meds: Random medical item generator
  • &motive: Quick and dirty personality generator for NPCs
  • &movie: Generates a random movie title and short synopsis
  • &occupation: Random occupation generator for civilized creatures.
  • &occupation-hm: Random occupation generator for civilized creatures. Generates occupations valid for human characters only.
  • &occupation-hl: Random occupation generator for civilized creatures. Generates occupations valid for halfling characters only.
  • &occupation-yk: Random occupation generator for civilized creatures. Generates occupations valid for youkai characters only.
  • &occupation-nonua: Random occupation generator for civilized creatures. Generates occupations not found roaming in the UA.
  • &ore: Random ore type generator, generally used in the context of mines and mining
  • &ore-c: Generates low-rarity ore (cheap, common)
  • &ore-r: Generates high-rarity ore (rare, very rare)
  • &PBT: Random projectile type for pistol calibers
  • &raidergang: Generates a random name for a raider gang
  • &radio: Generates a random radio station program or song
  • &RBT: Random projectile type for rifle calibers
  • &roomstyle: Generates a random UA roomstyle. Roll three times when generating the doors.
  • &RPG7rt: Random rocket type for RPG-7 rocket ammunition
  • &RPG29rt: Random rocket type for RPG-29 rocket ammunition
  • &rumor: Generates a random rumor, which may be true, false, or ambiguous/unhelpful. See here for the full list of rumor explanations
  • &sboltt: Random projectile type for small bolts.
  • &sign: Generates a random sign for the signboard
  • &SMAWrt: Random rocket type for SMAW rocket ammunition
  • &stuff: Generates random junk items
  • &wear: Random clothing and armor generator
  • &wear-a: Random clothing and armor generator, generates Ax AC items only
  • &wear-c: Random clothing and armor generator, generates Cx AC items only
  • &wear-p: Random trauma plate generator
  • &whatsontv: Generates a random television show
  • &words: Random word generator, used for creating login keys when hacking electronic locks.
  • &wpn: Random weapon generator, weighted by Rarity.
  • &wpn-e: Random weapon generator / Equivalent chances version (Rarity is ignored, each weapon has the same chances of being rolled as any other)
  • &wpnacc: Random weapon accessory generator
  • &wpnacc-nomag: Random weapon accessory generator, but does not include magazines or feeding systems
  • &wpnc1: Random weapon generator, Class 1 weapons only, weighted by Rarity.
  • &wpnc1-e: Random weapon generator, Class 1 weapons only / Equivalent chances version (Rarity is ignored, each weapon has the same chances of being rolled as any other)
  • &wpnc2: Random weapon generator, Class 2 weapons only, weighted by Rarity.
  • &wpnc2-e: Random weapon generator, Class 2 weapons only / Equivalent chances version (Rarity is ignored, each weapon has the same chances of being rolled as any other)
  • &wpnc3: Random weapon generator, Class 3 weapons only, weighted by Rarity.
  • &wpnc3-e: Random weapon generator, Class 3 weapons only / Equivalent chances version (Rarity is ignored, each weapon has the same chances of being rolled as any other)
  • &wpnc4: Random weapon generator, Class 4 weapons only, weighted by Rarity.
  • &wpnc4-e: Random weapon generator, Class 4 weapons only / Equivalent chances version (Rarity is ignored, each weapon has the same chances of being rolled as any other)
  • &wpnc5L: Random weapon generator, Class 5 Long weapons only, weighted by Rarity.
  • &wpnc5L-e: Random weapon generator, Class 5 Long weapons only / Equivalent chances version (Rarity is ignored, each weapon has the same chances of being rolled as any other)
  • &wpnc5S: Random weapon generator, Class 5 Short weapons only, weighted by Rarity.
  • &wpnc5S-e: Random weapon generator, Class 5 Short weapons only / Equivalent chances version (Rarity is ignored, each weapon has the same chances of being rolled as any other)
  • &wpncHG: Random weapon generator, Class Handgear weapons only, weighted by Rarity.
  • &wpncHG-e: Random weapon generator, Class Handgear weapons only / Equivalent chances version (Rarity is ignored, each weapon has the same chances of being rolled as any other)
  • &wpn-firearm: Random weapon generator, firearms only (Class 1, 2, 3 and 4)
  • &wpn-firearm-e: Random weapon generator, firearms only (Class 1, 2, 3 and 4) / Equivalent chances version (Rarity is ignored, each weapon has the same chances of being rolled as any other)
  • &wpn-melee: Random weapon generator, melee only (Class 5 Long, 5 Short, Handgear)
  • &wpn-melee-e: Random weapon generator, melee only (Class 5 Long, 5 Short, Handgear) / Equivalent chances version (Rarity is ignored, each weapon has the same chances of being rolled as any other)

Legacy commands

  • &shower: Legacy command, no longer used in the game. Generates a random shower effect.
  • &sink: Legacy command, no longer used in the game. Generates a random sink effect.
  • &SST: Legacy command, which now points to the correct commands to use for rolling shotgun caliber projectile types.
  • &toilets: Legacy command, no longer used in the game. Generates a random toilet effect.

Extras just for fun

  • &asktsuchi: Ask Tsuchinoko a yes/no question then use this command. Results may vary.
  • &chips: Rolls one of several potato chip flavors available in the Mazes.
  • &magicitem: Generates a random magical object inspired by NetHack and other roguelikes. Purely for fun, has no game uses.
  • &omikuji: Omikuji generator
  • &overlord: Generates a random line from the Evil Overlord List.
  • &sillyammo: Silly shotgun projectiles, inspired by Taofledermaus, Demolition Ranch, and other popular firearm youtube channels.
  • &wepon: Full-life consequences!
Last modified on 3 January 2025, at 20:07