
Green blob

11 bytes added, 10:18, 1 July 2020
Because blobs have no definite shape and are essentially viscous masses of material, they will deform and wobble when struck. Sufficiently hard impacts will cause them to "chip" and lose a small bit of themselves. If the blob manages to slide over a chipped bit of itself in time, it will re-absorb that bit and retain its size. The only way to reliably destroy a blob is to either chip it enough times to eventually destroy its core and not allow it to reform, or entirely vaporize it at once, usually through the use of an explosive device.
'''Green''' blobs are the first type of blob that were developeddiscovered, and one of is the most commoncommonly encountered. Although not harmless, in large part due to their tendency to "bite" on organic material (by opening a pore and leaking their corrosive filling onto it, then try to absorb that organic material into themselves, dissolving it and presumably absorbing it), they are also very easy to avoid, as they are slow-moving. However, doors are no issue to these creatures: they can simply flatten themselves and seep under doorways. More commonly, they sometimes fall down sinks and toilets, traveling down pipes and across the sewer network. It is believed that this method of travel is the reason green blobs have spread across the entirety of the UA, and why most of the UA sinks, showers and toilets are clogged and unusable even when the piping should otherwise be functional.
If you see a green blob, avoid it if you can, as they are generally not worth the ammunition needed to destroy them. Some use the creatures as target practice with low-powered firearms, however this is not a safe or advisable method of training. Green blobs are only a threat in large numbers, particularly when they move as one group and begin blocking the roads; at which point they frequently attempt to bite travelers and passers-by on the roads. In such a scenario, a well-placed grenade is advisable and cheaper than firing the hundreds of rounds of ammunition needed to gradually chip them down.
Bureaucrat, administrator