
This is a disambiguation page.
The term or name you're searching may refer to more than one object, character or topic, and this page is here to help you find the page you may be looking for.

Glock may be used as a general shorthand for the weapons produced by the real-life manufacturer Glock GmbH, which covers all weapons on this disambiguation page. Therefore, the term Glock may refer to:

The Glock 17, a Glock-SF family member
The Glock 20, a Glock-LF family member
The Glock 19, a non-Customs, "Compact" Glock pistol
The Glock 26, a non-Customs, "Subcompact" Glock pistol
The Glock Feldmesser 78, a bayonet
  • Weapons belonging to one of the major Maze Customs families of weapons, the Glock Short Frame (Glock-SF) family:
noframe Customs family: Glock-SF
9x19mm Parabellum models G17, G18C
.40 S&W models G22
.357 SIG models G31
  • Weapons belonging to one of the major Maze Customs families of weapons, the Glock Large Frame (Glock-LF) family:
noframe Customs family: Glock-LF
10x25mm Auto models G20
.45 ACP models G21
Last modified on 19 January 2022, at 04:17