
Dahomey cow

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They possess typically black or very dark brown coats, with both males and females possessing horns. Dahomey cows are famous for using these horns, as well as kicking other creatures whenever it feels threatened. This, alongside the fact they are considered to be relatively unafraid of sapient contact (or much of anything), made them the hardest bovine species to domesticate. Nevertheless, they are domesticated and kept, as once tamed, this defensive behavior turns them into animals that rush to the defense of their herds against intruders. Farmers view it as an additional beneficial trait, as it means additional defense against invading creatures.
The name of this species comes from [[James Dahomey]], a human farmer who lived during early [[History of the Mazes|Era 5]]; he was the first to successfully domesticate and raise a herd of this type of cattle, which were originally known as ''black cows''. Following his success, the species was renamed ''Dahomey's cattle'' in his honor, and has since changed to simply ''dahomey cattle'', dropping the uppercase D.
As with other bovines, the meat of dahomey cattle, generally referred to as ''beef'', is prized for its taste and its inclusion in many recipes; consequently it is considered more valuable. Although it is rare nowadays, it is still possible to find dahomey cows (even more rarely, bulls) in the 'wild'. They are generally animals that have escaped a town's farm area, though some herds can still be found living in the wild, typically in outside areas where grass exists and therefore can be grazed on.
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