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Navigation: Main Page Items Clothing

Clothing is a general term to refer to all of the wearable items in the game that provide some form of protection or defensive capability.

Clothing items are separated in three broad categories; clothing and armor for humans (or simply clothing and armor), youkai outfits, and trauma plates. Every category has different traits and attributes.

Human clothing and armor

Human clothing.png Human clothing and armor, or simply clothing and armor, are the many different items that can be worn by humans and halflings; as they share relatively similar body sizes and shapes.

The defining trait of humans and halflings is their natural Armor Class of C1, the lowest possible value; therefore, they must heavily rely on clothing and armor for adequate protection.

Clothing and armor meant for humans are separated into seven sub-categories called slots: Headgear, Top, Body armor, Arms addon, Bottom, Legs addon and Footwear. A human or halfling character can wear up to one of each of the following:

  • Headgear: Hats, helms and helmets, and other pieces of clothing meant to cover or protect the head.
  • Top: Shirts, dresses, vests, and other pieces of clothing generally meant to cover the upper body in some capacity.
  • Body armor: Pieces of armor primarily meant to cover the torso.
  • Arms addon: Additional pieces of armor meant to cover the arms, elbows and/or shoulders.
  • Bottom: Pants, skirts, trousers, and other are pieces of clothing generally meant to cover the lower body in some capacity.
  • Legs addon: Additional pieces of armor meant to cover the thighs, knees, and/or calves.
  • Footwear: Shoes, boots, sneakers, and other pieces of clothing meant to cover or protect the feet.

Each individual piece of clothing may offer various levels of protection to the body parts they cover; therefore care must be taken that there are as few gaps as possible.

Human clothing and armor have four traits determining their usefulness:

  • Body parts covered (see below for a chart)
  • Armor Class: A piece of clothing or armor will increase the AC of the listed body parts to the listed level. If multiple pieces of clothing cover the same body part (e.g. a Heavy K armor vest (A3) over a T-shirt (C2)), then only the highest AC rating applies.
  • Proof ratings: Every piece of clothing also receives a rating on how well it is capable of protecting the user against injuries against the various damage types in the game.
  • Effects: Any extra traits or effects provided.

Body parts covered

The specific body parts that clothing and armor can cover (and in turn, body parts that can be individually targeted) are as follows, alongside their corresponding limb groups.
For more information on limb groups, please check Limb health.

Limb group Body part name
HEAD group Head / Neck
WEAK POINT group Face / Eyes
BODY group Torso
LIMB group Arm
LIMB group Shoulder
LIMB group Elbow
EXTREMITY group Hand
BODY group Hips
WEAK POINT group Crotch
LIMB group Leg
LIMB group Knee
EXTREMITY group Foot
  • A piece of clothing covering the arm is considered to also cover the corresponding shoulder and the elbow.
  • A piece of clothing covering the leg is considered to also cover the corresponding knee.

List of human clothing and armor

See List of human clothing and armor.

Youkai outfits

Youkai outfits.png Youkai outfits, or simply outfits, are sets of clothing that can only be worn by youkai. As youkai have different sizes and proportions from humans, human clothing does not fit them properly, so they must resort to wearing their own.

Protection provided by youkai outfits does not discriminate by body parts; it is provided to the entire body instead. Because youkai may have different AC levels, any youkai outfits that can increase their Armor Class do not list a fixed AC, but instead list an AC tier increase. For example, AC tier +1 means that the wearer's AC is increased to one tier above their natural level, up to the maximum tier: A5.

Unlike human clothing and armor, there is only one slot for outfits, as opposed to seven. Instead, youkai outfits are categorized by body type. Each of the 14 different youkai species belongs to one of five body types: Type H, Type S, Type T, Type U and Type W.

Each letter is a shorthand for the common defining trait for that body type:

  • Type H: Huge (large, muscular bodies)
  • Type S: Small (small, undersized bodies)
  • Type T: Tailed (bodies with one or multiple tails)
  • Type U: Uncanny (lower bodies unsuited for wearing clothing)
  • Type W: Winged (bodies with wings of some sort)
Body type Species
Type H Oni
Type S Kappa
Type T Guhin
Type U Jorougumo
Type W Tengu

List of youkai outfits

See List of youkai outfits.

Trauma plates

See Trauma plates.