Civilized Areas

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The Civilized Areas (capitalization optional; sometimes shortened to CA or CAs) is the collective name given to all settlements in the Mazes, as they are permanently occupied by a significant population of sapient creatures. Anything that is not part of the Civilized Areas is instead part of the Uncivilized Area (the UA).


The world is subdivided into 8 Zones, in which every town, intersection, and connecting roads can be found. They are simply named after their geographic location on the overall world map.

A ninth Zone, simply known as the X-Zone or Secret Zone, is believed to be located deep underneath the Central Zone, and the area where the Proving Grounds (the true home of the Scientific Community and the Engineering Corps) can be found.


  • Bolded town name: Faction headquarters
  • Italicized town name: Abandoned/Ghost town

A complete map can be found here.

Map Zone Towns Intersections
Northwestern Zone 2022.jpg Northwestern Zone (NWZ) Alba Radium
Fort Phantom
Raven City
Station Delta
Intersection 01
Intersection 04
Northern Zone 2022.jpg Northern Zone (NZ) Aosaidan
Cloud Ten
Outpost Trion
Ovis City
Viris Area
Intersection 05
Northeastern Zone 2022.jpg Northeastern Zone (NEZ) Echizen
Mippei Yosai
Intersection 02
Intersection 03
Western Zone 2022.jpg Western Zone (WZ) Beatus
Camp Charger
Fort Cobalt
Fort Wight
Lenox Corner
Intersection 07
Intersection 12
Intersection 19
Central Zone 2022.jpg Central Zone (CZ) Calfair Sector
Citadel Lambeth
Ellen Sector
Neo Khazrun
Twinleaf City
Intersection 08
Intersection 10
Intersection 13
Intersection 15
Intersection 16
Eastern Zone 2022.jpg Eastern Zone (EZ) Arnett
Divus Nitor
Fort Silver
Garica Block
Joliet Sector
Intersection 06
Intersection 09
Intersection 11
Intersection 14
Intersection 17
Intersection 18
Southern Zone 2022c.jpg Southern Zone (SZ) Abakash
Camp Baxter
Camp Huntsman
Ferland Sector
Fort Scarlet
Station Lasker
Station Sigma
Intersection 20
Intersection 21
Intersection 24
Intersection 27
Intersection 28
Southeastern Zone 2022.jpg Southeastern Zone (SEZ) Baden Town
Ferron City
Intersection 22
Intersection 23
Intersection 25
Intersection 26
Intersection 29
Unknown creature.png X-Zone (XZ) Proving Grounds


A town is a large settlement in the Mazes, with a relatively large permanent population.

All towns are modeled on the same basic layout and are distinguished from intersections by the presence of a town gate; a room that separates the town proper from the access points into the UA. All towns are guaranteed to have certain "basic" facilities, considered necessary for servicing a permanent population; these include a power generator, a water processing facility, some form of food production, a hospital, residential areas, a shop hub, a central social square, and some type of special facility. The exact quantity and types of facilities available may vary by town.

A town may also be considered to be either neutral / non-aligned or faction-aligned. Non-aligned towns usually have a certain degree of independence, as well as a diverse population. Faction-aligned towns are under the total control of one of the Mazes' major factions, and their special facility, local laws, and population will generally reflect that.

Town local laws may also fall under one of two broad categories; Standard Law or Independent. Towns that follow Standard Law benefit from the ability to call the Maze Police for protection from criminals and processing of prisoners, whereas Independent towns generally manage their own safety and process their prisoners however they see fit, either in accordance to the mayors, or the faction governing them, if faction-aligned.

Certain towns may also be ghost towns; they have no permanent population and their facilities are usually nonfunctional, but certain specific circumstances have prevented the town from falling to the UA, keeping their layout coherent.

In total, there are 61 towns in the Mazes.

Town name Zone Size Faction
Abakash Southern Small Hell
Alba Radium Northeastern Small Heaven
Aosaidan Northern Small Youkai Nation
Arnett Eastern Medium Neutral
Baden Town Southeastern Large Syndicate
Beadsor Southern Medium Police
Beatus Western Small Heaven
Calfair Sector Central Medium Neutral
Caminus Northern Large Heaven
Camp Baxter Southern Medium Military
Camp Charger Western Medium Military
Camp Huntsman Southern Very small Military
Citadel Lambeth Central Very large Police
Cloud Ten Northern Very large Heaven
Divus Nitor Eastern Small Heaven
Echizen Northeastern Medium Youkai Nation
Elkins Eastern Very small Neutral
Ellen Sector Central Large Neutral
Elusec Southeastern Medium Police
Ferland Sector Southern Large Neutral
Ferron City Southeastern Medium Neutral
Flaxton Southern Medium Hell
Fort Cobalt Western Large Military
Fort Phantom Northwestern Large Military
Fort Scarlet Southern Very small Military
Fort Silver Eastern Abandoned Ghost town
Fort Wight Western Very large Military
Garica Block Eastern Medium Syndicate
Gehen Southern Very large Hell
Gimrun Northern Medium Neutral
Greening Southeastern Very large Syndicate
Heshbar Central Medium Neutral
Joliet Sector Eastern Large Police
Lenox Corner Western Medium Syndicate
Littleton Central Small Neutral
Kazama Northeastern Medium Youkai Nation
Kijirou Northeastern Medium Youkai Nation
Masatomo Eastern Small Youkai Nation
Mippei Yosai Northeastern Large Youkai Nation
Murberry Central Small Police
Nanton Central Small Neutral
Neo Khazrun Central Very large Neutral
Novysera Southeastern Small Hell
Outpost Trion Northern Small Military
Ovis City Northern Medium Neutral
Raven City Northwestern Very small Neutral
Roazon Northwestern Abandoned Ghost town
Rog Eastern Medium Hell
Saker Western Small Neutral
Semitas Eastern Small Heaven
Sirvarris Southeastern Large Neutral
Station Delta Northwestern Medium Military
Station Lasker Southern Very small Military
Station Sigma Southern Medium Military
Temno Southeastern Small Hell
Twinleaf City Central Large Neutral
Utroba Eastern Very small Hell
Ventis Central Small Heaven
Viris Area Northern Medium Syndicate
Wayward Eastern Medium Police
Yurai Northeastern Very large Youkai Nation

Town facilities

A town is subdivided into a variety of sections and facilities.

Facilities that are considered essential (guaranteed to be found in every town) are bolded. Groups of facilities are italicized. If something is bolded and italicized, that means one facility in the group is guaranteed, but the particular type varies by town.


An intersection is a small settlement in the Mazes.

Intersections are small and possess few facilities, with a generally low permanent population count. They do not possess a town gate or any means to produce their own food, water, power, or supplies. However, as their name implies, they are usually located at strategic points in the Mazes, usually at a crossroads between four (sometimes three) other towns or intersections.

An intersection is guaranteed to have a rest stop, a bar, a hiring bureau, a convenience store, and some form of security. The primary function of an intersection is to provide a reliable, relatively safe area for travelers so that they can stop, rest, and restock on essentials such as food and ammunition before continuing on their journey. They can also serve as semi-permanent shop hubs, where traders sometimes install themselves to sell their wares to passing travelers until their stocks are depleted; at which point they leave, and the shops are closed until they return (or a new trader replaces them).

Intersections are officially neutral and not controlled by any particular faction. Intersection inhabitants are typically humans, halflings and youkai, with small numbers of other civilized and sapient creatures.

The Maze Police considers all intersections to be legal grounds for enforcement of Standard Law, but actual enforcement may not be guaranteed everywhere, particularly in regions with strong faction influence, or in exceptionally remote locations.

In total, there are 29 intersections in the Mazes.

Intersection facilities

Click to expand.

Below is the list of intersection facilities, as well as their opening days and hours.