
Character customization

880 bytes added, 22:22, 14 February 2022
You may customize your character with a wide selection of '''traits'''.
You have '''3trait points''' points to spend on traits. Traits are divided in '''positives''' and '''negatives'''. Positive traits '''cost''' points, while Negative traits '''grant''' points back. Any unspent Trait points are transferred over to your [[Character customization#Spending points on skills|pool for skills]].
For a full list of traits and their effects, see [[Character traits|this page]].
=== Spending points on skills ===
You can spend up to '''12 skill creation points''' on skills, plus any unspent points during Trait selection. Certain traits may affect the number of points you can spend.
* If your character has one of the '''[[Character traits|Greenhorn]]''' traits, you may have '''fewer''' points to spend (9, 6, or 3 + unspent trait points).
* If your character has one of the '''[[Character traits|Seasoned]]''' traits, you may have '''extra''' points to spend (15, 18, or 21 + unspent trait points).
Non-combat skills have different requirements and thresholds.
When spending skill creation points on combat skills, you will obtain Training Points (TP) for them in return. 10 Training Points are worth 1 Skill Point. Training Points are normally earned through training exercises in the game, and you cannot get more than 250 TP per combat skill - just enough to reach Skilled, and no more. There is only so much experience your character can get by training; you must be on the field to progress any further.
When spending skill creation points on non-combat skills, you will be buying a certain skill level directly. If your GM has locked certain non-combat skills, your character will be Level 0 (Unaware) in these skills, and you cannot progress at all to Level 1 until you buy access to the skill (if your GM allows it) or unlock the skill during a session. The recommended cost of unlocking a locked skill is 1 point.
'''Combat skills''': 1 skill creation point = 50 TP* '''Skill packages''': Certain combat skills are closely related, and you can get a 'discount' and pay a little less than you normally would if you bought them individually. It costs '''3 skill creation points''' to get 100 TP (Basic), and '''8 skill creation points''' to get 250 TP (Skilled) in all of the skills included in the package.
** '''Pistol package''': Semi-auto pistol + Automatic pistol
** '''Rifle package''': Semi-auto rifle + Automatic rifle
** '''Sword package''': One-handed sword + Two-handed sword
'''Non-combat skills''': 2 skill creation points for Level 2 (Basic), 4 skill creation points for Level 3 (Skilled), 8 skill creation points for Level 4 (Expert)* If any non-combat skills are locked, they should cost 1 skill creation point to unlock and obtain Level 1 (Unskilled).
GMs are free to adjust the costs of skills depending on how much experience and capabilities they wish the players to have. The recommended costs are ideal for new but balanced characters. The costs can be adjusted up or down, depending on whether you prefer your PCs to have less or more talents at their disposal.
* Certain If your character has one of the '''[[Character traits|traitsPauper]] may affect your starting ''' traits, you have '''a lower budget''' to spend on equipment ([[File:Parallar symbol.png|10px]] '''3500''', [[File:Parallar symbol.png|10px]] '''2000''', or [[File:Parallar symbol.png|10px]] '''500''')* Certain If your character has one of the '''[[Character traits|Wealthy]]''' traits, you have '''a higher budget''' to spend on equipment ([[File:Parallar symbol.png|10px]] '''6500''', [[File:Parallar symbol.png|10px]] '''8000''', or [[File:Parallar symbol.png|10px]] '''9500''')* If your character has the '''[[Character traits|Gaged Connections]] ''' trait, the maximum Rarity for weapons is '''6''' instead of 3, there is no Armor Class limit (however, Power Armor is still restricted), and the GM may allow you , at their own discretion, provide the character with an NPC contact willing to buy rarer or more expensive gearsell equipment at preferential rates.
Naturally, this isn't the only way to pick or assign gear. Ultimately, it is up to the GM to determine the best way to assign equipment. Here are some pointers:
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