
Character creation

104 bytes added, 12:57, 30 April 2020
=== Kasha ===
Kasha (Youkai: '''火車''', literally "Fiery chariot") are a warrior species of a very different stripe. Unlike guhin and tengu, who enjoy fighting for the sake of skill and talent, or oni and kishin and their concepts of honor, bravery and pure strength, kasha are fighters because they have a thirst for combat and a fascination with death. If there is one thing a kasha loves more than anything, it is killing creatures, as savagely and as brutally as possible; so much, that they actually heal from taking possess the lives ability to heighten their combat capabilities (namely strength and resistance to pain) at will - in exchange of significant strain on their opponents! bodies. Their fascination for death goes as far as influencing their fashion; Kasha often adorn themselves with objects made out of bones and skulls.
Kasha have feline traits similar to those found in feline halflings, with cat ears and a tail, a cat-like nose, and an enhanced sense of smell, though the similarities end there. Certain kasha have a double tail (no different than a single tail in gameplay terms); the reasons why are unknown, though superstition suggests that kasha with double tails are lucky.
Bureaucrat, administrator