
Character creation

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/* Alligator halflings */
'''''Not recommended for newcomers!'''''
The origin of alligator halflings (''Homo sapiens ex alligatoridae'') is shrouded in mystery! In fact, as of Quartema 704, they aren't even officially recognized as a halfling subspecies at all, as they haven't been formally studied yet. But they do exist, and they are perhaps the strongest halfling species. Alligator halflings possess a body covered in tough, protective scales, and have a significantly more developed muscular structure than humans, making them both stronger and more agile. They have a long, broad tail, a widened face with extended facial protrusions and nostrils, though rather than being muzzle shaped, alligator halflings have elongated mouths and many protruding teeth, rendering them capable of exhibiting very toothy (and perhaps quite scary) smiles, or a terrifying display of long tongue and numerous teeth when opening their mouths completely. All native alligator halflings in the Mazes come from a tiny, secret community called the Gator Kingdom, which is hidden in the UA, inside of an old, abandoned section of the sewer network. The gator halfling community self-styles as a monarchy and is ruled by a king, and they subsist on scavenging and attacking passing travelers and caravans. Only a tiny amount of gator halflings have left their communities home to integrated into larger society, and those that have, hide their true origins, generally by pretending to be a member of the Squamata halfling species with unusual looks.
Natural stats:
Bureaucrat, administrator