
Character creation

190 bytes added, 13:49, 23 April 2020
** May wear clothing and armor designed for humans.
* Other traits:
** Extra limbs: 1 tail (LIMB group)
** Natural attack: Bite
=== Equine halflings ===
Equine halflings (''Homo sapiens ex equidae'') have inherited many traits from their animal counterparts; horse-like ears and tails(the tail is not targetable), head hair that grows from the top of their heads down to their necks in a mane-like fashion, an overall slightly increased amount of body hair, but also and most importantly, larger and thicker limbs. Though for this species, it hasn't translated in significantly higher average strength compared to humans, these limbs are certainly more resistant to damage simply by virtue of having more "meat", so to speak. They have a lower tolerance to poison and intoxicants, the reason for which is not fully understood yet. Equine halflings exhibit a preference for fruits and vegetables, and like canine halflings, have an elongated facial structure and muzzle-like facial protrusions. They are stereotyped as enjoying all forms of physical labor; in particular exercising, to the point that "gym horse" has replaced "gym rat" as a colloquialism. Perhaps as a result, they are sometimes typecast as proud show-offs and pretentious.
Natural stats:
** May wear clothing and armor designed for humans.
* Other traits:
** Extra limbs: 1 tail (LIMB group)
** Natural Agility: +1
** Natural Strength: 90%
=== Lagomorph halflings ===
Lagomorph halflings (''Homo sapiens ex lagomorpha'') possess rabbit- or hare-like ears and tails(not targetable), a slightly increased amount of body hair, and elongated incisive teeth. Though lagomorph halflings are typecast as being "capable of hearing danger", and even though they do possess, on average, a greater sense of hearing than average humans, this "danger sense" is largely a myth. Their greater sensitivity to pain is ascribed to psychological differences with humans, much like Canine halflings. Lagomorph halflings tend to greatly prefer fruits and vegetables (many are, in fact, vegetarian), however they have lost the ability to digest grass, instead gaining an omnivorous digestive system inherited from humanity. Due to their agility and reputation for "danger sense", lagomorph halflings are sometimes stereotyped as "danger vanes", or in more pejorative circles, as cowards afraid of fighting and confrontation.
Natural stats:
** May wear clothing and armor designed for humans.
* Other traits:
** Extra limbs: 1 tail (LIMB group)
** Natural Strength: 90%
** May wear clothing and armor designed for humans.
* Other traits:
** Extra limbs: 1 tail (LIMB group)
** Natural attack: Snakebite
Bureaucrat, administrator