
Character creation

39 bytes added, 18:12, 15 May 2019
/* Youkai */
* Ability: Shape-shifting. Tanuki have the capability to convert nutrition and time into Tanuki Balls, a form of internal fuel which can then be spent at will on temporary buffs. The tanuki achieves this by using this magical fuel to perform bodily transformations, intended to improve the tanuki's capabilities in one way or another.
* Base stats: C2 Armor Class, Base limb health 70, Max Blood 20, Pain Sensitivity 100%
* Extra limbs: 1 tail(LIMB group)
* Youkai body type: Type T (Tailed)
* Knows all martial arts techniques.
* Base stats: Agility +2, C3 Armor Class, Base limb health 100, Max Blood 29, Pain Sensitivity 70%
* Extra limbs: 2 wings(LIMB group)
* Youkai body type: Type W (Winged)
* Ability: Flight. Yousei possess wings, allowing them to fly. Though not useful as a method of transportation (they would just end up flying to the ceiling and walls of the rooms of the Mazes), flying allows the automatic avoidance of any mines, and turns you into a more difficult target to hit (enemies get accuracy maluses), at the cost of not being able to benefit from cover, greater nutrition consumption, and a loss of accuracy (it's harder to concentrate on both flying and attacking enemies).
* Base stats: C2 Armor Class, Base limb health 20, Max Blood 6, Pain Sensitivity 350%
* Extra limbs: 2 wings(LIMB group)
* Youkai body type: Type W (Winged)
Bureaucrat, administrator