
Character creation

149 bytes added, 17:16, 30 April 2020
* Skills: Starts with 250 TP in Unarmed/Martial Arts (Lv3 - Skilled), 50 SP in Evading (Lv3 - Skilled) and 1000 SP in Mining (Lv5 - Master, max level)
* Knows all martial arts techniques.
* Ability: Alcohol resistance. All alcoholic drinks only inflict half as much Inebriation as they normally would, but to compensate, the Stress relieving effects of inebriation are doubled. In other words, they get drunk half as fast but retain all the benefits.
* Base stats: Agility -1, A2 Armor Class, Base limb health 150, Max Blood 43, Pain Sensitivity 50%, Strength 300%, Sturdy skeleton (bones cannot be broken or fractured)
* Extra limbs: 2 horns (EXTREMITY group)
Bureaucrat, administrator