
Basic concepts

22 bytes removed, 18:06, 12 May 2019
As is customary for a tabletop RPG, the Game Master is the person who leads a game of MazeWorld. They are the one who sets up and advance the story. The GM oversees the actions of every player character, and is in control of every NPC (non-player character) of the game. But most importantly, they are in control of the dice and the rules of the game; not the other way around.
A GM may, and has full rights, to exercise 'GM fiat' and determine the outcome of any action, and may override any check, any roll of the dice, whether openly or secretlyin doing so, if they believe it would be more fun or more fair than to follow the rules or the results of a roll literallydo so. Therefore, when you roll to swing a knife at the bear that's attacking you, if the dice say you missed, but the GM says you hit, then you hit, and the bear is going to take damage.
Roleplaying is co-operative, not competitive. In order for a game to be good and for everyone to have fun, GM and players should work together. In most games, the story should be about the player characters, and if it's not necessarily about them, players must at least feel part of an important story, as people who are responsible for advancing, shaping, changing, or even derailing the story. Fun should be the number one priority.
Bureaucrat, administrator