

205 bytes added, 16:32, 23 July 2020
A Bandit is a member Being less an organization and more of a movement, the [[Duster Bandits]]do not have a formal hierarchy; they instead form temporary squads, only organizing themselves into [[Bandit|Bandits]] and [[Bandit chief|Bandit chiefs]] as needed.
Being less an organization and more of a movement, Duster Bandits do not have a formal hierarchy; they instead form temporary squads, only organizing themselves into [[Bandit|Bandits]] and [[Bandit chief|Bandit chiefs]] are typically elected or designated as the leader of their particular group. They may be designated as chief for only one job or operation, or for as long as the group agrees to consider them their mutual agreement lastsleader. Other members of the group are then simply called Bandits.
Bureaucrat, administrator