
Combat mode

5 bytes added, 23:11, 14 June 2019
{{UnderConstruction|users=Tempest|flavortext=Not tested}} '''Combat mode''' is the mode of play in which the game enters a strict turn-based mode, in order to resolve a violent conflict between opposed parties. When in Combat mode, every turn and every action performed during each turn must be accounted for.
Combat and fighting are an essential element of playing MazeWorld. After all, what good are all those weapons if you can't use them? Learning all of the aspects of combat is important for your survival.
The steps of a typical combat turn are as follows:
* '''1)''' Game Master (GM) declares that a new combat turn is about to begin. (''"Turn X, what are your next moves?"'')* '''2)''' GM requests the players to describe their next action, while secretly preparing the next actions of every NPC.
** If, for one reason or another, player characters are on opposed sides of a fight and must not reveal their plans to one another, players may instead provide their next actions to the GM secretly.
* '''3)''' GM resolves any outstanding IS conflicts.* '''4)''' Once the turn order is determined, GM announces the turn is beginning.* '''5)''' Every creature resolves their actions in the determined order.
** Any combat actions must go through accuracy resolution, then damage resolution, if any hits were scored.
* '''6)''' Once every action is resolved, GM announces the turn is ending. This is the point where counters, effects or anything relying on turn counting can be ticked up or down, and the point where the GM must check whether or not Combat mode may continue or end.
** If at least two opposed creatures are still standing and willing to fight, then combat goes on to the next turn - Return to the top of this list, rinse and repeat the above steps as many turns as needed.
** Otherwise, combat ends and the game returns to Normal mode.
However, always remember that YOU too, can be downed and rendered helpless, and at the mercy of another creature; and they may not all be inclined to let you live!
= Declaring actions =
Once the amount of hits and inaccurate hits has been determined, the Game Master may determine the amount of damage dealt to the target, using this checking order:
* First, determine '''1)''' Determine the amount of [[Pain]] dealt.* Next, determine '''2)''' Determine the amount of [[Limb damage]] dealt.* Afterwards, determine '''3)''' Determine the amount and type of any [[Injuries]] inflicted.* Lastly, resolve '''4)''' Resolve any special effects, if applicable.
The checking order as it is provided exists to encourage prompt resolution of combat. Don't do the full order if you can already tell the creature is dead before the checking order is finished. For instance, if you can tell that the creature is dead just from Pain, there is no need for the GM to check for limb damage or injuries, and so on.
Of course, if you would find it more enjoyable to crunch the full numbers for every fight and every creature, feel free to do so, just make sure to check with your players if they don't mind.
= Battlespace =
When Combat mode begins, the Game Master must announce the location of every player character, every other creature, every object, and every piece of furniture in the room. The presence and location of [[Cover]] must be requested before it can be used - see the relevant page for details on how Cover and stealth works.
Battlespace location is also used to determine weapon range. All attacks may either be '''Ranged''' or '''Melee'''. Ranged attacks may be used against creatures in any Side of the battlespace, with the caveat that cover can be used to guard against ranged attacks.  Melee attacks render Cover useless, but requires the attacker and the target to be on the same Side. If an attacker intending to use a Melee attack isn't starting the turn on the same Side as their target, they will move into their target's Side as part of their action.
Planted explosives (all of which are [[Class 4 weapons]]) are a special case; they cannot be used directly to perform attacks normally like with other weapons, instead requiring to be placed in the Battlespace and meet certain conditions in order to detonate. For further details on how they function, see [[Explosives]], or the relevant individual weapon pages.
[[Category: Game mechanics]]
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