

108 bytes added, 17:46, 23 May 2019
* '''Advent years''' are considered to be the years of beginning. They are seen as the best years to start a new job, get a new assignment, or begin a new and important project. They are generally considered to be the luckiest years, as they are associated to the number 7; all advent year numbers can be divided by 7. People who were born during Advent years are considered to be 'lucky babies', sure to be successful at anything they do, with traits and attributes from any of the five elements.
* '''Years of Wood''' are considered to be years of learning and expandinggrowing. People who were born during years of Wood are believed to be strong and flexible, outgoing, extraverted, and the most likely to seek growing and improving, but also the least likely to enjoy being alone or to self-reflect.
* '''Years of Fire''' are considered to be the years of passion. People who were born during years of Fire are believed to be dynamic, passionate and persistent. They are the most likely to be warm protectors and skilled lovers, but are the most at risk to feelings of aggression, impatience, and destructive intent.
* '''Years of Earth''' are considered to be years of stability, least likely to bring about meaningful changes. People who were born during years of Earth are believed to be patient, reliable and hard-working, but also most likely to be stubborn, resistant to new ideas, and self-centered.
* '''Years of Water''' are considered to be years of change and fluidity. People who were born during years of Water are believed to be most likely to be the wisest and most intelligent, as well as the most adaptable, but they may also be seen as indecisive, unable to commit to any one decision easily, or even soft and lazy.
* '''Break years''' are considered to be the years of ending. They are seen as the best years to complete a project, to finish learning and training, or to put an end to a particular situation or endeavor. Though some perceive break years as unlucky or associated with death, others see it as lucky years in its own ways, as break years are always followed by advent years. People born during Break years are seen as unpredictable, capable of both the best and the worst, full untapped potential.
** Taking what is considered to be the Mazes' equivalent of a 'sabbatical' year is best done on a Break year.
Bureaucrat, administrator