
Giant tick

12 bytes removed, 22:52, 1 June 2020
Their tough shell makes them somewhat resistant to impacts and damage, though they can still be quickly disposed of with the judicious application of any firearm or other weapon of your choice into their bodies. The actual blood color of a giant tick is yellowish to off-white, like a [[giant ant]]'s. However, when shot or wounded, their sac can leak the blood they absorbed from other creatures. Don't confuse the leaks for their actual blood and keep attacking until they're no longer moving - or in one piece.
Like all members of the '''Bugs''' category, the origin of these creatures is unknown. Because they lack any magical or supernatural elements, it has been theorized that these creatures are the result of some type of past scientific experiment gone wrong, and that they have since escaped into the UA and become a species native to the Uncivilized Area.
Bureaucrat, administrator