
Lagomorph halfling

7 bytes added, 12:38, 7 July 2020
''Lagomorph halflings'' possess lagomorphic (rabbit-like) features on an otherwise human-like body, and are genetically related to rabbits and hares. Specifically, they possess lagomorphics ears and tail (and lack human ears), long and frequently prominent upper incisive teeth. They also possess a greater amount of body hair than a human, appearing as patches of fur, though none has ever been observed with a full coat covering the entire body.
Colloquially, a lagomorph halfling may be referred to as a ''hareperson'' (''hareboy'' and ''haregirl'' are also commonly employed, with many variants using the words alternative prefixes such as ''bun-'', ''bunny-'' or ''rabbit-''). On average, they are slightly shorter than humans, with an average height of 5 feet 5 inches, and weigh about the same, at 155 pounds for males, and 130 pounds for females. Like humans, however, the actual height and weight may vary greatly between individuals.
Although omnivorous, lagomorph halflings tend to have a preference for vegetarian diets. All, however, are notorious for being rather agile creatures with a particular affinity for running, jumping, rolling, and generally moving rather quickly. Although sadly stereotyped as cowardly or submissive, these traits have allowed many harepeople to have successful careers in military, police, as mercenaries, and in other high-risk activities, as these traits allow them to get in and out of situations quickly.
Bureaucrat, administrator