
Magus magician

49 bytes removed, 23:11, 12 June 2020
Least obvious is the life expectancy of a magician, which appears to have no known upper limit. Magicians have three life 'stages' instead, referred to as "[[Apprentice magician|apprentice]]" (young to adult), "[[Magician|magician]]" (mature), and "[[Magus magician|magus]]" (elder).
Magus magicians are in their final life stage, being the oldest, wisest, and most skilled in the use of their magical abilities. Their toughness and resilience to damage is further increased, to the point that their bodies now count as armored. Magus magicians are no younger than 80 years old, and have no known maximum life expectancy. It is not known if magus magicians are truly immortal or if they simply have a very long but finite lifespan, as none has ever been known to die of old age. Because most magicians die under violent circumstances, individuals Individuals older than 200 years old are considered to be extremely rare.
[[Category:Sapient creatures]]
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