
Baby dragon

3 bytes removed, 23:31, 5 June 2020
Dragons of all types are carnivorous, with jaws strong enough to rip the flesh and bones off of humans and other sapients, and have no trouble whatsoever digesting flesh, bone, fat and sinew alike. The digestive system of a dragon is advanced enough to extract and assimilate up to 95% of the proteins, fat, and other nutrients from any of the food they eat. Dragons prefer prey that are both meaty and fat so they are able to extract the most food energy out of them, requiring on average 20 000 kilocalories per day. On rare occasions, they will seek and eat food prepared by sapients, up to and including processed food items, though they often have problems properly digesting such items. Though it is most likely a measure of desperation driven by survival, some have suggested that certain dragons will pillage food reserves entirely out of spite and hatred.
All dragons, regardless of age and speciestype, are notoriously violent and fearless, known for their refusal to back down from any type of danger. When threatened, dragons will attack the threat until it is destroyed or until they die, with no retreat or backing down, and with incredible ferocity, as though afflicted by unbridled rage and anger. When hurt or wounded, they are simply further enraged, and seem not to have any concept of "fight-or-flight" - these creatures are all fight, all the time.
This behavioral pattern extends to other dragons, making them fiercely competitive with one another, even right after hatching. It is not uncommon for siblings born from the same clutch of eggs to immediately attack one another, sometimes to the death. Dragons are therefore subsocial, considered by biologists to be the most solitary and hostile creature in the Mazes, only ever accepting the presence of another when seeking partners to mate with - and even that process can be violent. Dragons perform a sort of mating process that is best described as "fight until the other is dominated, fornicate, then leave". Should a male dragon end up being dominated, females are known for killing their partners after the deed is done, usually through lethal bites to the neck.
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