

205 bytes added, 00:16, 2 June 2020
Kallwolves are canines that somewhat resemble [[warg|wargs]], if not for their completely white fur and blue eyes instead of red. Like wargs, their average height is 4 feet, and adults weigh 100 to 120 lbs.
Very much unlike wargs, however, is their ability to perform a ''frostblast'' attack, which consists of them firing a long, continuous beam of magical energy from their mouths, which induces freezes or at least severely reduces the temperature of anything it hits. Creatures struck by a frostblast beam sustain sharp pain pains, and freezing to anything the beam hits's freezing effect is known to cause instant third-degree frostbite, resulting in severe damage to flesh and tissue. Watch for patches of ice of frozen objects seemingly randomly strewn about; this is a good indicator that a creature capable of firing these beams has recently passed through the area, and there is a chance it may be a kallwolf.
Besides this fearsome capability, they remain big, large, canines that will use big, large claws and teeth. It seems that the preferred attack pattern of a kallwolf is to first soften targets from a distance using the ''frostblast'' attack, then to finish them off with claws and teeth while they are still [[Effects#Elemental|frost-slowed]].
Bureaucrat, administrator