
Basic mechanics

20 bytes removed, 06:51, 22 February 2020
* '''Example:''' During a fight against a nasty creature, Sarah has taken hits and sustained three [[Wounds]], and is now bleeding. In order to access the [[Meds|bandages]] inside of her [[Load-bearing equipment|backpack]], Sarah needs to spend a turn to drop her backpack on the ground and make the items accessible. Normally, this would be trivial, but every turn Sarah spends with at least one wound, means she is losing [[Blood]]. It will require one turn to drop the backpack, and one turn for every bandage required (one per Wound) in order for her to stop bleeding.
GMs are, however, encouraged to expedite such processes for the sake of keeping the pace going, especially outside of combat and if players do have the resources on their characters to fix these issues, unless you absolutely want to run an intense, beat-by-beat, every-moment-counts session, it is usually better to simply let player characters heal themselves "for free". It is up to you to concert yourselves between GMs and players to may discuss about it and decide what kind of intensity together how intense, detailed and granularity you want in your granular their sessionsshould be.
* '''Example:''' Normally, if Sarah were still in combat and had to heal 3 Wounds using bandages, she would have to spend the first turn dropping the Backpack (-0.3 Blood), use turn 2 to heal the first wound with a bandage (-0.2 Blood), then turn 3 for healing wound 2 (-0.1 Blood), then turn 4 for healing wound 3 (all wounds patched), losing a total of 0.6 Blood and 4 turns. However, the GM decides to let Sarah patch herself up without losing 0.6 Blood because she's no longer in combat, and there's no reason to waste time.
Bureaucrat, administrator