

286 bytes removed, 03:08, 19 February 2020
* Anna has nothing but her fists and feet - this is the reason why she dodged and rolled into her enemy's Side in the previous turn.
* Anna has Basic level in Evading, restricting her max attacks per turn to 1 during a Counter. She opts to try and [[kick]] her opponent in the nuts, attacking a [[Limb groups|WEAK POINT]]. Despite the fact it imparts a [[FT]] +2 penalty, there aren't many other options available, and she hopes to deal a lot of damage this way.
* Anna makes her attack roll and is fortunate enough to roll a '''12''': critical hit! She has 110% Strength, and rolling '''[[Tsuchinoko (bot)|&crithit]]''' gives 1.5x damage - her kick's power was multiplied, in total, by 3.3 (x1.1 from Strength, x2 from aiming at a weak point, x1.5 as a critical hit bonus). The Anna managed to inflict heavy damage to the Marauder, who wears [[List of human clothing and armor|cargo pants]], receives ; a total of '''76% [[Pain]]''' (23 x 1.1 x 1.5 x 2, rounded). The limb damage check for a kick is 1d8-1; the GM rolls 4, multiplies by 3.3 then rounds to nearest, obtaining a total of and '''13 [[Limb damage |damage]] to the hips'''. ! The marauder is screaming in agony and will probably need medical attention... he is still alive, however, and Anna intends to see the fight through to the end.
Bureaucrat, administrator