

4 bytes added, 00:06, 13 June 2021
Very agile on their two legs, emus are capable of surprising feats of speed, observed running at up to 45 ft/s (30 mph). These two legs also let the emu perform kicks and strikes and are tipped with sharp talons, with which they can also attack when they are not simply using their long and pointy beaks to peck at opponents.
Emus have been variously described as vicious, violent, and even evil, as it will provoke just about any creature to try and peck them. Females are known for being the most aggressive, as they will consider any creature that isn't part of her their flock to be a threat for her their eggs - up to and including other emus. If [[turkey|turkeys]] were known for picking fights and chasing people out, emus are known for causing mortal [[wounds]] and killing any creature that underestimates them.
This deadly reputation has also fed into legends surrounding these animals, which some say have waged wars with humans in other realms, supposedly showing resistance to even fully-automatic gunfire of a human army. Although such tales remain mere legends, many adventurers take them to heart and over-prepare for the "emu threat", up to and including machine guns and grenades in the name of "not taking chances".
Bureaucrat, administrator